
Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Top 20 #startup tools for #connectededucators to organize awesome web conferencing on #ce13

Dear friends, teachers, researchers, social media curators and students like I told you before I will share weekly in my blog here TOP 20 and mounthly TOP 100 and I recommand to read previous blog post Top 100 edtools rediscovered through #iste13
Also in my previous post here I write about Nellie Kroes new initiative #startupeurope and part of #connectedcontinent . Now because it's Connected Educator Mounth #CE13 I want to give everyone the possibility to share my favorite tools in their blogs or website using embeded code and for this reason I will share them using .                                   
The Connected Educators initiative’s mission is to help educators thrive in a connected world. Such environments are envisioned in the 2010 National Educational Technology Plan and are soon to become the norm due to efforts such as ConnectED. Connected Educators pursues this mission through seeking to understand and promote educators learning and collaborating through online communities of practice and social networks. That pursuit combines research, development, and outreach:
Research – Through studying existing communities and networks, we ask questions such as
How does participation produce value?
How can schools and districts as well as individuals benefit?
What design and facilitation strategies maximize that value?
How can learning analytics using data generated through participation help improve the use of those strategies?
Development – Through designing and leading networked learning spaces for educators—such as theCS10K community that supports the National Science Foundation’s efforts to broaden participation in computing careers—we test the results of research in our own practice.
Outreach – Through Connected Educator Month and project publications, we raise awareness of and engagement in learning and collaboration through communities and networks. Over the last three years, they reached hundreds of organizations and hundreds of thousands of educators and this year more than 200 organizations, companies, and communities have already signed up and they organize more than 300 events worldwide 

Also if you want to connect with teachers worlwide join and also if you want to organize a online event next 20 web conferencing tools can help you .
What tool / app you like more and why . Please leave a comment after you see full list .You can also add a comment related to your favorite edtool .