Last year in 4 November I speak about this project in European Parliament from Bruxelles because I was selected in the 8 finalist in AtmosphEuropa Contest from 44 participants . My speech from 4 november in Eurobama Contest in European Parliament from Brusseles was against discrimination of students with special needs , against poverty and climate challenge
Mister presidentof the European Parliament Hans-Gert PÖTTERING, Mister presidentof The Intercultural Communication and Leadership School Geza Tessenyi , Representative of the Swedish Presidency (t.b.c.), Representative of the European Commission (t.b.c.) , dear europarlamentars ,dear candidates and guests , honorated assistance because I’m not so good english speaker I will read my speech .
My name is Cornel Lucian Duma .I am a teacher of religion , history ,citizenship and social studies in Caransebes, Romania .In the second year I was elected by my headmaster ElenaMemelis as the coordinator of educational projects and programes in ourSpecial School Caransebes , Romania . Our school is special because all our students are with special needs . Sincethe begining of my commisionI havetried to fight against discrimination of students with special needs and for this reason I developed many educational projects and extracurricular activities in partenership with normal students from many schools in Caransebes . One of my educational projects is based on environnment problems and it is called,, Water and nature is life itself” .
In this project my students with special needs couldsee the importance of water and nature in people lives . I also involved my students in all kind of activities to make them fight against the problems of Climate Change and Global Warming : On 21 september ouSpecial School Caransebes participated toghether with thousands of schools from all over the worldin the internationalcampaign Eno Tree Planting Day 2009 and after we made ashort video with our activities with can be watched on the oficial website for internationalcampaign .
I want show to the whole world that students with special needs can make beautiful things in spite of their handicaps if they are helped by us because today in a selfish and egocentric society people forget mostly near them are others children or people with Special Needs Education who need understanding, help and support. Different but equal - is a principle of democracy and mutual respect. Diversity in ethnic and social categories on earth is the beauty of the human universe, each of us contributing to the cultural heritage with its specifics. History, traditions, culture of each ethnic group is an important chapter of universality. For this reason I have conceived and launched eTwinning project ,,Different , but equal” – partenership and collaboration between students with special needs across the Europe ” and for our project we designed a website with photos , videos , presentations withall the activities made by the parteners involved in the project and also our project was approved by Ministry of Education Research and Innovation from Romaniaand by the European Commission as part of European Year for Creativity and innvoation , unfortunatelly our project was approved but we didn’t receive any fundsfrom European Commision .
In this project I organized in partenership with Diocese and City Hall from Caransebes , Inspectoratul Scolar Judetean , Casa Corpului Didactic din Caras-Severin and Cosiliul Judetean Caras-Severin under eTwinning and Didacticain 7 april international symposium ,, Creativity and innovation in special education , project ,, Different, but equal „-first edition and we had three hundred fifty participants from all Romania . In our symposium we had three sections : section 1 – scientific comunications and referates , section 2 – Power Point presentations made by teachers with the activities –in this section was participated also our parteners from eTwinning project ,, Different, but equal ” – Signe Leht , Estonia ; Todor Lambov –Bulgaria , Arzu Borlas –Turkye , and in thirdsection we organized international contest ,, Resurrection of Son of Good and the renaissance of whole humanity ” and in the final I present website for our project and after we made the vernisage of the exhibition at the Art Gallery Corneliu Baba from Caransebes .
Our slogan ,, We are people just like you, maybe sometimes with a better heart and want to show everybody that we can work, learn, play , respect each other and last but not least we love the neighbor who is in suffering . We learn to respect each other , to communicate, to cooperate , to tolerate each other . We want to make you understand that there are no differences between us . All we are different but equal. ”. The removal of discrimination between peoplemust begin with theelimination of discrimination in education, because all the children who are now students will be the future membersof European Union. In the same time we have as example the words of our Lord Jesus Christ in Galatians three with twenty eight ,, There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. ”
I try from two years to make in our school a club for art and creation with three workshops : workshop for drawing , collage and paintings , workshop for folk art and crafts , workshop for dolls and puppets but unfortunatelly I can’t made still now because is a mondial crisis .
Now is the time for all nations to join forces for to realize the importance of each individual either normal or withspecial educational needsand to start giving them our respect and consideration . And that is more important in the contxt of next year title EUROPEAN YEAR FOR COMBATING POVERTY AND SOCIAL EXCLUSION .For this reason I think that all higher institutions of the European Union toghether with the member countriesof the European Union should make a deal and should shake their hand and be involved in projects to help poor people and to remove discrimination between people because we are all part of the big family of European Union. From my experiences gained during the years I believe that the most effective teaching approaches designed to integrate all children in school are those that we offer as many opportunities to work and play together, to discover new things together. If we will give to children with Special Needs a multitude of learning experiences, it will be easier to integrate them later in society .
Anul trecut in data de 4 noiembrie am vorbit in Parlamentul European de la Bruxelles despre proiectul internațional ,,Diferiți, dar egali " deoarece am fost ales între cei 8 finaliști din 44 de participanți deoarece am particiat la concursul internațional AtmosphEuropa care a fost organizat sub președenția parlamentului European , iar prezentările participanților au fost transmise în direct pe site din Parlamentul European iar aici puteți vedea discursurile participanților . Anul trecut proiectul ,,Different, but equal " s-a derulat sub egida Anului European al Creativității și Inovării , dar din păcate nu am primit finanțare pentru derularea lui în continuare cu toate că apare pe siteul oficial de la Bruxelles .
Tot anul trecut am organizat simpozionul internațional ,, Creativitate și inovație în învățământul special, proiectul ,,Diferiți, dar egali " și Concursul Internațional ,, Învierea Domnului și renașterea spirituală a întregii umanități "
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Creative use of ict in our school - this start like a eTwinning project , but now every teacher who want to join is welcome .
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I am teacher Duma Cornel Lucian education counselor in Special School Caransebes and I was selected in the 8 finalist in AtmosphEuropa Contest . My speech from 4 november in Eurobama Contest in European Parliament from Brusseles was against discrimination of students with special needs , against poverty and climate challenge .
The AtmosphEUROPA contest for young minorities of any kind. The contest is open to anyone who is under 29years old, comes from a minority background, lives in Europe and is active on climate protection, on diversity in society, or on poverty reduction. YOU WIN this Contest if you mobilize the most people who will vote for you and your ideas on climate, diversity , and poverty.
This project is under high patronage ofPresident Hans-Gert Pöttering of the European Parliament
With the words of President Hans-Gert Pöttering of the European Parliament, "this interesting and innovative contest, where young Europeans from self-defined minority background will compete for the AtmosphEUROPA Prize and for the attention of the European public on three universal and inter-related subjects: climate protection, intercultural cooperation and poverty reduction, reflects the concerns of the European Parliament." (Letter of 25 March 2009 to the President of the ICLS): "With great pleasure I lend my patronage to this project" continued Mr Pöttering and recalled the European Parliament's commitment to diversity, minorities, equal opportunities and active citizenship, especially among young people. He also mentioned the relevance of the close link of this contest with the European elections.
For the same reasons, senior members of the main political groups, both left and right, of the European Parliament expressed their support for this contest. Their support shows that the contest is beyond party politics, it is mainstream European.
That this contest is inspired by Barack Obama, as stated on the home page of this website
Submissions are due by 30 September 2009 and during October the public will vote on the best ones via the Internet. The 12 most successful candidates (12 stars) will be invited to Brussels for the prime time final on 4 November 2009. Then another public vote will choose the most popular one among the 12 stars.
Now itis the final and was selected8 finalists candidates in 4 november in European Parliament in Brusseles .
Here you can see all the event and speaches and presentations of ICLS Staff , members of E.U.andcandidates .
AtmosphEuropa Contest - a contest inspired by president of U.S.A Barack Obama at European Parliament in Bruseeles - 4 November 2009 . Open spech : Hans-Gert PÖTTERING, MEP and former President of the European Parliament,Johanna BRISMAR SKOG, Minister, the Swedish Presidency,Artur PAYER, DG EAC, European Commission, and Géza TESSENYI, President of the ICLS.
Open spech of the AtmosphEuropa Contest -Johanna BRISMAR SKOG, Minister, the Swedish Presidency
Introduction of Organizers and summary of the ContestSelina ULLAH, ICLS Management
Introduction of Organizers of the Contest: Maja WARNSTAM , Aimé SINDAYIGAYA (ICLS)
AtmosphEuropa Contest - Candidates introduce themselves and their leadership vision on climate protection, intercultural cooperation or poverty reduction - Candidates in alphabetical order: Halil CIKMAZKARA, The Netherlands, Belmin DEBELAC, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Zaneta DENNY, United Kingdom, Cornel-Lucian DUMA, Romania, Viktor HUSZAR, Hungary, Bepin MGUSHI, Albania, Stanley OBINNA, Italy, Giovanni PADOVANI, Luxembourg.
AtmosphEuropa Contest - Halil CIKMAZKARA, The Netherlands,
AtmosphEuropa Contest Belmin DEBELAC, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
AtmosphEuropa Contest -Zaneta DENNY, United Kingdom
AtmosphEuropa Contest MEP Timothy KIRKHOPE, Vice-chairman of the ECR Group
Here is my speech .
,, Mister president of the European Parliament Hans-Gert PÖTTERING , Mister president of The Intercultural Communication and Leadership School Geza Tessenyi , Representative of the Swedish Presidency (t.b.c.), Representative of the European Commission (t.b.c.) , dear europarlamentars , dear candidates and guests , honorated assistance because I’m not so good english speaker I will read my speech .
My name is Cornel Lucian Duma . I am a teacher of religion , history , citizenship and social studies in Caransebes, Romania . In the second year I was elected by my headmaster Elena Memelis as the coordinator of educational projects and programes in our Special School Caransebes , Romania . Our school is special because all our students are with special needs . Since the begining of my commision I have tried to fight against discrimination of students with special needs and for this reason I developed many educational projects and extracurricular activities in partenership with normal students from many schools in Caransebes . One of my educational projects is based on environnment problems and it is called ,, Water and nature is life itself ” .
In this project my students with special needs could see the importance of water and nature in people lives . I also involved my students in all kind of activities to make them fight against the problems of Climate Change and Global Warming : On 21 september ou Special School Caransebes participated toghether with thousands of schools from all over the world in the international campaign Eno Tree Planting Day 2009 and after we made a short video with our activities with can be watched on the oficial website for international campaign .
I want show to the whole world that students with special needs can make beautiful things in spite of their handicaps if they are helped by us because today in a selfish and egocentric society people forget mostly near them are others children or people with Special Needs Education who need understanding, help and support. Different but equal - is a principle of democracy and mutual respect. Diversity in ethnic and social categories on earth is the beauty of the human universe, each of us contributing to the cultural heritage with its specifics. History, traditions, culture of each ethnic group is an important chapter of universality. For this reason I have conceived and launched eTwinning project ,,Different , but equal ” – partenership and collaboration between students with special needs across the Europe ” and for our project we designed a website with photos , videos , presentations with all the activities made by the parteners involved in the project and also our project was approved by Ministry of Education Research and Innovation from Romania and by the European Commission as part of European Year for Creativity and innvoation , unfortunatelly our project was approved but we didn’t receive any funds from European Commision .
In this project I organized in partenership with Diocese and City Hall from Caransebes , Inspectoratul Scolar Judetean , Casa Corpului Didactic din Caras-Severin and Cosiliul Judetean Caras-Severin under eTwinning and Didactica in 7 april international symposium ,, Creativity and innovation in special education , project ,, Different, but equal „-first edition and we had three hundred fifty participants from all Romania . In our symposium we had three sections : section 1 – scientific comunications and referates , section 2 – Power Point presentations made by teachers with the activities –in this section was participated also our parteners from eTwinning project ,, Different, but equal ” – Signe Leht , Estonia ; Todor Lambov –Bulgaria , Arzu Borlas –Turkye , and in third section we organized international contest ,, Resurrection of Son of Good and the renaissance of whole humanity ” and in the final I present website for our project and after we made the vernisage of the exhibition at the Art Gallery Corneliu Baba from Caransebes .
Our slogan ,, We are people just like you, maybe sometimes with a better heart and want to show everybody that we can work, learn, play , respect each other and last but not least we love the neighbor who is in suffering . We learn to respect each other , to communicate, to cooperate , to tolerate each other . We want to make you understand that there are no differences between us . All we are different but equal. ”. The removal of discrimination between people must begin with the elimination of discrimination in education, because all the children who are now students will be the future members of European Union . In the same time we have as example the words of our Lord Jesus Christ in Galatians three with twenty eight ,, There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. ”
I try from two years to make in our school a club for art and creation with three workshops : workshop for drawing , collage and paintings , workshop for folk art and crafts , workshop for dolls and puppets but unfortunatelly I can’t made still now because is a mondial crisis .
Now is the time for all nations to join forces for to realize the importance of each individual either normal or with special educational needs and to start giving them our respect and consideration . And that is more important in the contxt of next year title EUROPEAN YEAR FOR COMBATING POVERTY AND SOCIAL EXCLUSION .For this reason I think that all higher institutions of the European Union toghether with the member countries of the European Union should make a deal and should shake their hand and be involved in projects to help poor people and to remove discrimination between people because we are all part of the big family of European Union. From my experiences gained during the years I believe that the most effective teaching approaches designed to integrate all children in school are those that we offer as many opportunities to work and play together, to discover new things together. If we will give to children with Special Needs a multitude of learning experiences, it will be easier to integrate them later in society .
Ma numesc Duma Cornel Lucian si sunt profesor si consilier pentru programe si proiecte educative ( internationale , nationale , judetene si locale) in cadrul Scolii Speciale Caransebes
In data de 4 noiembrie am participat ca singurul reprezentant din Romania in cadrul concursului international AtmosphEuropa la care si-au trimis candidatura 88 de tineri, iar 44 de candidati au fost considerati eligibili , iar dintre acestia au fost selectati 8 finalisti . Concursul Eurobama a fost inspirat de presedintele S.U.A . Barack Obama si a avut loc de asemenea sub patronajul Parlamentului European .
Am fost prezent alaturi de ceilalti 7 finalisti in data de 4 noiembrie la finala concursului international AtmosphEuropa care a avut loc la Parlamentul European din Bruxelles tinand un discurs in limba engleza impotriva discriminarii , saraciei si schimbarii climaterice .
De asemenea am prezentat pe scurt activitatile derulate in cadrul proiectului ,, Diferiti , dar egali ” – un proiect impotriva discriminarii elevilor cu cerinte educative speciale - derulat sub egida anului European al Creativitatii si Inovarii . Aici este siteul proiectului international eTwinning ,, Different , but equal „ coordonat de Scoala Speciala Caransebes ( director Memelis Elena , profesor Duma Cornel Lucian , consilier pentru programe si proiecte educative , invatator educator Popa Laura Silvana , profesor Ghera Lidia )
AtmosphEUROPA este un proiect al ICLS (Intercultural Communication and Leadership School)şi al Intercivil Society of London care are ca scop promovarea unui mediu inclusiv în Europa. Ca parte a acestui concept a fost organizat un concurs pentru tinerii (cu varsta mai mica de 29 de ani) care aparţin diferitelor minorităţi şi care propun proiecte proprii referitoare la protecţia mediului, promovarea diversităţii în societate, reducerea sărăciei.
Cu aceste cuvintele a intampinat acest concurs Preşedintele Parlamentului European Hans-Gert Pöttering : " Acest concurs este interesant si inovator , în cazul în care tinerii europeni care provin dintr-o minoritate candideaza in acesta runda pentru Premiul AtmosphEUROPA . El este de asemenea şi în atenţia publicului european pe trei subiecte universale legate de: protecţia climei, cooperarea interculturală şi reducerea sărăciei, deoarece acestea reflectă preocupările Parlamentului European. " (Scrisoarea din 25 martie 2009 adresata preşedintelui ICLS )
"Cu mare placere am acordat patronajul meu la acest proiect", a continuat domnul Pöttering şi a reamintit angajamentul Parlamentului European aupra diversităţii, minorităţilor , egalitatea de şanse şi cetăţenia activă, în special în rândul tinerilor. El a menţionat, de asemenea, relevanţa in legătura strânsă a acestui concurs cu alegerile europene.
Pentru aceleaşi motive, membrii de conducere al principalelor grupuri politice, atât de stânga cat şi de dreapta, a Parlamentului European au exprimat sprijinul pentru acest concurs. Sprijinul acestora arată că concursul este dincolo de politica de partid, este insasi integrarea europeană.
Aici puteti vedea deshiderea concursului international AtmosphEuropa
Iar aici puteti vedea discursul pe care l-am sustinut impotriva discriminarii , saraciei si schimbarii climaterice .
My name is Duma Cornel Lucian and I am teacher and counselor for educational projects and programes in Special School Caransebes . I have a project ,, Different but equal ” – project against discrimination of students with special needs – under European Year for Creativity and Innovation . Website for my project is here
I was selected in the 8 finalist in The AtmosphEUROPA contest for young minorities of any kind. The contest is open to anyone who is under 29 years old, comes from a minority background, lives in Europe and is active on climate protection, on diversity in society, or on poverty reduction. YOU WIN this Contest if you mobilize the most people who will vote for you and your ideas on climate, diversity , and poverty.
This project is under high patronage of President Hans-Gert Pöttering of the European Parliament
With the words of President Hans-Gert Pöttering of the European Parliament, "this interesting and innovative contest, where young Europeans from self-defined minority background will compete for the AtmosphEUROPA Prize and for the attention of the European public on three universal and inter-related subjects: climate protection, intercultural cooperation and poverty reduction, reflects the concerns of the European Parliament." (Letter of 25 March 2009 to the President of the ICLS): "With great pleasure I lend my patronage to this project" continued Mr Pöttering and recalled the European Parliament's commitment to diversity, minorities, equal opportunities and active citizenship, especially among young people. He also mentioned the relevance of the close link of this contest with the European elections.
For the same reasons, senior members of the main political groups, both left and right, of the European Parliament expressed their support for this contest. Their support shows that the contest is beyond party politics, it is mainstream European.
That this contest is inspired by Barack Obama, as stated on the home page of this website
In perioada 9-15 noiembrie 2009 am participat in Bucuresti la un curs sustinut de Ministerul Tineretului si Sportului si Comisia Europeana in cadrul programului ,, TINERET IN ACTIUNE " la modulul ,, Infiintarea unei Organizatii (ONG)&Scriere de cereri de finantare in context Tineret in Actiune "
European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion
The European Union is one of the richest areas in the world, but still17% of EU citizens have such limited resources that they cannot afford the basics.
Poverty is often associated with developing countries, where a lack of food and clean water can often be adaily challenge. Europe is also affected by poverty and social exclusion. It may not be as severe, but is nonetheless unacceptable. Poverty and exclusion of one individual amounts to the poverty of society as a whole. Europe can only be strong if each individual’s potential is realised.
There is no miracle solution to put an end to poverty and social exclusion. However, one thing is sure: we cannot win the fight without you. The time is ripe to renew our commitment to solidarity, social justice and greater inclusion. The time is ripe for the 2010 European Year against Poverty and Social Exclusion.
A key value of the European Union is solidarity. As a union we are facing the crisis together, and this solidarity creates a safety net for each and all of us.
Here are some of the things that we will do together:
* Encourage involvement and political commitment from each and every segment of society to participate in the fight against poverty and social exclusion, from the European to the local level, whether public or private; * Inspire each and every European citizen to participate in the fight against poverty and social exclusion; * Give voice to the concerns and needs of people experiencing poverty and social exclusion; * Engage with civil society and non-governmental organisations that fight poverty and social exclusion; * Help deconstruct stereotypes and stigmas attached to poverty and social exclusion; * Promote a society that sustains and develops quality of life, social well-being and equal opportunities for all; * Boost solidarity between generations and ensure sustainable development.
Keep up to date:Sign up for our newsletter.
Visit the website of the European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion
Intre 19-28 octombrie 2009 eu am fost selectat de catre coordonatorii eTwinning sa parcurg in cadrul eTwinning Learning Events cursul ,, Creative use of Media "
Aici se poate vedea harta cu profesorii care au participat la chat .
Intre 23 - 31 martie am fost ales de eTwinning in cadrul ETWINNING LEARNING EVENTS 2009 pentru a parcurge cursul ,,Podcasting in the creative clasroom "
Between 23-31 march I was selected by Etwinning Romania in the ETWINNING LEARNING EVENTS 2009 for the event ,, Podcasting in the creative clasroom " .Aici e profilul meu .
I obtain eurocreator certificate for some project where I am coordinator :eTwinning project ,, Different , but equal " under EUROPEAN YEAR FOR CREATIVITY AND INNOVATION
and project for Resurrection of Son of God .
Am participat cu elevii mei la Eno Tree Planting Day 21 September 2009 plantand mai multi pini in curtea Scolii Speciale Caransebes iar actiunea noastra poate fi vazuta pe siteul oficial .
In cadrul eTwinning am obtinut mai multe CERTIFICATE NATIONALE SI CERTIFICATE EUROPENE pentru proiectele derulate .
In eTwinning I have obtain many NATIONAL QUALITY LABEL AND EUROPEAN QUALITY LABEL for my projects .
ETwinning has brought a new dimension for SCOALA SPECIALA CARANSEBES because Iinvolved my students in of over 50 eTwinning project undertaken in partnership OF with more EUROPEAN SCHOOLS, and within many of them I am coordinator (founder ) . In the eTwinning projects I got BOTH QUALITY EUROPEAN QUALITY LABEL and NATIONAL QUALITY LABEL .