My friends Christ is Risen and for this reason I organized International Contest ,, Resurrection of Son of God and the Renaissance of whole humanity like you can see in the glog . The Son of God take our sins and crucified on the Calvary, but through his resurrection he offer the salvation of our souls . I don't know if I told you still now that I am a am a orthodox christian, a father, teacher and free researcher and a social media curator who launch CRED project translated in romanian ,, Believe " because I think that new online techologies offer to teachers and students gateway to knowledge and for this reason I launch ,, Curation Restart Education " Free project and if you like I invite to join #edtech20 #pln on Ning to collaborate and I decided to describe weekly in this blog top 10 tools and apps and their fatures related to a subject and your comments and feed-back is welcome .
If you think that we can collaborate to make a big project from CRED project contact me
Today I will describe 10 startup tools to make awesome presentations for Easter / Passover and also you can use this apps to make killer presenations for your conference or webinar : GlogsterEdu, Prezi , Vuvox, Ahead , thepitch , Prezage , , zohoshow , reel , bringpad . What presentation tool is your favorite leave a comment after you read this article :)
I discover still now more than 50 tools to make presenations, but my top 10 are next . Like our facebook page to collaborate
Proud to be GlogsterEDU and SymbalooEDU Ambassador because they organize ISTE PARTY 2012 read more here
1 . Glogster Edu is my favorite tool and I am proud to be a Ambassador because this edu tool open gateway through knowledge for students because develop children's creativity and innovation . Glogster EDU is the leading global education platform for the creative expression of knowledge and skills in the classroom and beyond. GlogsterEdu empower educators and students with the technology to create GLOGS - online multimedia posters - with text, photos, videos, graphics, sounds, drawings, data attachments and more.
Glog Creation Interface A Glog is created using a very easy to understand, drag and drop interface that is relevant, enjoyable, and scalable for students of all ages and learning styles. A Glog is an interactive visual platform in which users create a “poster or web page” containing multimedia elements including: text, audio, video, images, graphics, drawings, and data.
Create Curriculum Based Projects for Classes, Groups, Teams, or Individuals The teacher can work with students in a classroom or through remote instruction using this multimedia platform – a community system for sharing is prepared where student‘s work is stored and available at any time. The teacher creates projects with templates and instructional guidelines, assigns them to the students, provides feedback throughout the assignment, and assesses their finished work.
Glog Presentations! Share student or teacher projects in Class, School, District or Beyond Once projects are complete, the teacher can share students’ work in a variety of educational settings. Glogs can be embedded in a blog, wiki, or web page or shared with others using Glogster EDU’s innovative presentation capabilities. Choose exemplar student projects and demonstrate students’ achievements with parents, administrators, students, and other educators.
Private and Safe Learning Environment for Teachers and Students The teacher easily creates a private virtual classroom with students by registering for a teacher administered account, generating student accounts with safe logins and passwords, and monitoring all activities within the account throughout the learning process. Student accounts can be created without providing email addresses or other contact information. The Teacher’s Dashboard provides direct access to all students, projects, and other activities.
Single Multi-Subject and Class Dashboards for Teachers and Students with One Login and Password All educators utilizing Glogster EDU’s inventive platform have direct access to individual students through a single portal – the Teacher Dashboard. Not only can teachers see all student activity within their own Teacher Dashboard, each student can also easily view and manage all of their classes and projects within their Student Dashboard. A single login and password will provide each teacher and student with complete access to multiple classroom activities. In the near future, Administrators will have a unique, secure login access for monitoring entire district or state-level Glogster EDU activities.
SymbalooEdu a great resource for teachers. With Symbaloo you can: Gather the best content on the web about 1 topic, and present it on a webmix Share a webmix with other teachers, and students Discover useful webmixes in the Symbaloo Gallery to use in the classroom Share a webmix with parents to provide some insight of the used materials A worthy mention: Symbaloo is free of charge and doesn’t include any annoying ads.
2. Prezi is a cloud-based presentation software that opens up a new world between whiteboards and slides. The zoomable canvas makes it fun to explore ideas and the connections between them.
The result: visually captivating presentations that lead your audience down a path of discovery.
Pan and Zoom
Zoom around the prezi canvas to visualize your ideas.
Import Media
Insert images, videos, YouTube videos, PDFs, or other media.
Full Toolset
Choose a template and/or theme to customize your prezi.
Present Online and Offline
Present online or download and show your prezi offline.
Work Together
Collaborate in real-time, across the room or across time zones.
Add Storyline
Use frames and a path to create a cinematic journey.
3. VUVOX allows you to create interactive slideshows and presentations from photos, video and music from Flickr, Picasa Web Albums, YouTube, Facebook or your PC. You can share them with friends, and embed them on your Myspace page, blog or website. VUVOX gives you the power to create one of a kind stories in an instant. All you need to do is provide whatever cool content that you have. Take pictures, video, audio and text. Mix it up. Choose backgrounds, colors, textures that create your vibe and then you are ready to share your piece with the world.
VUVOX reflects your life see next features . It gives you the ability to:
- Share your personal media with your network of friends.
- Personalize and customize your media to your heart's content.
- Locate and establish always-on feeds to your personal media.
- Take visual blogging and personal expression to the next level.
4.Ahead is a web application empowering creative people to playfully easy layout, share, and present high resolution rich media content inside public or private zooming web spaces.
5.thepitch is a html5 startup tool to Discover a new way to present and share content building an HTML5 tool for creating presentations, presenting, and sharing them with people, all in one seamless experience.They are re-imagining creating, giving and sharing presentations for the web enabled world. Our app starts where Slideshare and others stopped by giving viewer access anywhere the web is available - desktops, tablets, phones etc.People tell stories and share information with one another countless times a day. A common example of that is at conferences and events, where speakers share valuable knowledge and insight with an audience, typically aided by a deck of slides . Online slides can convey a confusing, conflicting or simply incomplete message. They may show an example without explaining what’s good or bad about it, or a clean visual that supports a point but doesn’t make it.The better the talk or presentation, the cleaner and simpler the slides — and the more the slides depend on the narrative around them to be of value.
Slides alone are rarely the full product; they serve a complementary purpose to the talk being given by the speaker. When slides are shared online, the speaker is absent, and the story is missing.
Without that narrative, we lose context and value. Audio and video help, but are costly to produce in a way that provides great value, and the experience often ends up feeling disjointed.
Between Powerpoint, Keynote and OpenOffice, there are at least 75 million desktop users of presentation software, although that is a conservative estimate. In addition to desktop software users, there are upwards of 20 million people using cloud-based software of some sort to present or share their presentations Of all users combined, more than half are paying customers. A large share of that is Enterprise customers, from small businesses to the very largest corporations in the world. The presentation software market is huge, and a number of companies compete for a share of it. But none have a great end-to-end experience, and most don’t even offer a great experience on any level. There is a huge opportunity for a great end-to-end experience to reshape this market. From the moment you start putting a deck together to the point where you share it with others, however you do so, the experience can be significantly improved.
Presentation software, like every other productivity software, suffers from a “binary proposition” problem: feature bloat makes the interface overwhelming, but simplification often reduces value to experienced users. We have a solution.
Whether we want to share our slides with the public or a limited, private audience, the only way we can do so without the slides losing value is through an expensive, time-consuming, carefully edited video. Our sharing platform solves that problem.
PDFs can be accessible, but rarely are so. By creating slides in a semantic, highly accessible structure right in the browser, we can offer content in ways that can be read on all devices, everywhere
Early-stage business models shouldn’t be set in stone, but we have solid ideas about ours. We also believe that the ability to “try before you buy” is critical on the Web.
Thanks to being a fully web-based product, the only things needed to give our product a try are a modern browser and an Internet connection.
Being able to create a deck for free, without even signing up, gives us a chance to showcase our innovative UI and workflow. Free accounts let you save that work and present it to an audience, but you’ll have limited storage ability.
Paid accounts will come in one, two or three flavors, depending on research we will conduct during private alpha and beta periods. Features, control over ads and more will be offered accordingly. startup to record, share presentations like never before.
According to Microsoft, 500 million PowerPoint users give 30 million presentations every working day. That’s either scary or great – depending on your perspective. But either way, there’s a problem out there. Whatever your content, whether its slides, images, graphs or photos, If you’ve got something to say about it, and we can’t be in the same place as you, at the same time, you’ve got a problem. So what are your choices?
You can email your slides, but without being able to see and hear you, I’m not going to get anything like the full story. How about a webinar, or a teleconference? Better, but I still can't see you. OK, a videoconference then? Getting there, but cost is going up now, and crucially, all the above require all the participants to be there at the same time, often a diary nightmare.
What if you could video the presentation and edit the recording together with your slides or images, so that I can watch you talking to your slides, in one place at my own convenience? Well, you can. There are a number of desktop applications, and a few online tools, but they tend to be relatively complex, difficult to use, and they don't come cheap. Result - most people don't have the time, energy or inclination.
The gap is all too clear - a simple, easy to use, low cost application that allows you to record your presentation and then, by splitting the screen, show you and your slides at the same time, in the same place, enabling you to share the results online with whomever you want. That's Present.Me – and that’s exactly what it does!
Simply upload your slides, images, graphs, photos – whatever your content, in either powerpoint or pdf format. Once the content has been converted, which takes no time, and you’re ready to go, you head to the record queue, click ‘record’ and off you go! Present into your webcam clicking the slides as you would if you were presenting to an audience. Don’t worry about having to remember everything in one go or making a mistake. There’s a really simple self editing function.
Once you’re finished click ‘publish’! And presentme does the rest, editing everything together in real time. Once you’re happy with your performance, you can share it, either publicly or privately, embed it or just keep it for yourself as a reminder of what you’re supposed to say.
Alongside the ability to record and share your presentations, we have posted a number of presentme’s setting out our experience & knowledge around creating inspirational presentations, which we hope will put another nail in the coffin of ‘death by PowerPoint’.
Great presentations take a lot of hard work – why restrict their impact simply to those who “made it on the day”. But don’t think is just about formal presentations. There are loads of situations where you’ve got something to say about a graph, an image, a diagram, a photo, a sentence in a document – and it will be more effective for someone to see and hear you, than to read a longemail. Present.Me is a fantastic new communication tool - So what are you waiting for? Have a go - it's FREE!
6. Zohoshow Online Presentation Service to create, edit and share presentations easily.
Introducing Zoho Show 2.0: The online tool for making powerful presentations.Whether you are a professional, a teacher, a student, a businessman, a salesman or anyone looking to put together a cool presentation, you have come to the right place. Zoho Show's pre-built themes, clipart and shapes coupled with features like drag-and-drop makes it an easy application to use.
How is Zoho Show different from a desktop presentation maker?
Access from anywhere, anytime
Access, import, edit and share presentations from anywhere and anytime
Sharing and Collaboration
No more emailing around of presentation files. Share your presentations with your friends/colleagues and the shared presentations can be viewed/edited with just a browser.
Present from Remote
Give a presentation to a client who is half a globe away. Do your demos while at your seat.
Make your presentations public. Embed them in your blog or website for easy viewing of your readers.More
And now for the best part - Zoho Show is completely FREE for personal use.
Prezage is a suite of web-based e-learning software tools for the creation and delivery of online lectures, talks, training, and presentations.
A producer account on is aimed at content creators wanting to deliver open and free content of general educational interest. To learn more about a dedicated prezage system for a restricted audience (with multiple producer accounts, and extra features for your college, company, or training department) then see prezage Enterprise.
A producer account provides: Free access to the powerful prezage Producer area to publish on Your presentations available to a global audience Access to viewer statistics and trends for your presentations Dedicated producer landing page
SlideDog lets you present files seamlessly and professionally at

Create playlists of presentations
With SlideDog you can use playlists to play multiple slide shows one after the other. You can also add other files and media such as videos, web pages, Prezi presentations, spreadsheets and documents. A playlist can be saved to disk for easy playback at a later time. Each playlist may have a background image associated with it. This image will be shown in between presentations and may act as a pause-image for your meeting or other event.
Mix web pages, different files and media in the playlist
SlideDog supports a lot of different file formats. You can add PowerPoints, PDFs, Videos, Prezi presentations, web pages, excel spreadsheets, word documents, flash animations and all kinds of images. These files will be played using the best tools available. Some of the files can be played directly, while others will be launched by an external application E.g. Office PowerPoint or PowerPoint Viewer is used for showing PowerPoint files, but it will seem like they are directly played by SlideDog.
Switch between files seamlessly
SlideDog will launch the files in the playlist in fullscreen without displaying the computer desktop or application specific loading screens to the viewers. This enables a smooth transition between speakers (if used at an event with several speakers) and files (if used by one presenter alone).
Use a presenter screen with notes, timers and playlists
SlideDog uses a PowerPoint like multi-monitor output to provide meta information to the speaker during the presentation. It is able to show a normal presentation window on one screen, while showing a more sophisticated overview on the other one providing information like thumbnails of the next slides, slide notes and timers. The two timers show time spent on the current file and total time since the playlist started.
Reel helps you quickly create and share presentations. Each preso is stored online behind a unique URL, making it easy to poll your audience for their impressions.
But I already have Powerpoint; why would I need another presentation tool?
You have Powerpoint, but that doesn’t mean everyone else does too! With tablets, smartphones and internet access everywhere, you can’t rely on everyone being able to view a PPT. Reel solves this by posting your preso behind a unique URL. Your audience only needs a web browser to view your preso where and when they are ready. Best of all, your audience won't have to wait for a file download or open any other software.
That’s neat! You said something about feedback too?
Yes, we did! Once you’ve got your audience on the hook, they’ll be able to give you their impression of your ideas. Thumbs up for the ones they love; thumbs down, they’re not feelin’ it. You’ll get a summary page showing the total number of responses to each slide.
What should I share?
That depends on you! Whether you're sharing mockups with clients, product ideas with team members, or fiscal numbers with colleagues, Reel is a great way to make sure your team is on the same page, fast.
BrinkPad is a web application that brings a desktop experience to the web. The application allows you to create presentations / slide shows / drawings with easy to use web delivered software.
CURATION RESTART EDUCATION PROJECT Welcome in the new Age of #Curation & by @!/web20education - wish you all Lucian . I invite to subscribe for NEW #edtech20 #socialmedia #Curation newsletter register to join free #edtech20 #socialmedia #curation project and Install free our #mlearning app .Like and collaborate on facebook and Circle on Google Plus and Subscribe free to gr8 #edtech20 blogs : top 10 blog : related to new web 2.0, social media startups , curation ; mLearning apps , google plus , and my romanian blog . Like and collaborate on facebook , linkedin , diigo