The description of the project : ,, Teaching and learning in XXI century using in a e-Safety way tools and applications web 2.0 and social media in education 2.0,, is a project launch by me because I was selected this year to work in a TIS – INSAFE Teaching Internet Safety project under European Schoolnet .
The module proposed by me is called ,, How teachers and students can use free web 2.0 and social media in education “ and all the resources will be posted on TeachToday website . All modules where presented in 22nd October 2010 at Safer Internet Forum in Luxembourg organised by the European Schoolnet and European Commission .
Web 2.0 and social media can bring a new dimension and can reform education around the Europe because electronic communication helps teachers and students to learn from each other. These new tehnologies can stimulate discussion, open gateway through knowledge, promote creativity and innovation for effective learning. Teacher and also students should have an entitlement to safe internet access at all times. Pulling Piaget and Papert , the use of participatory media tools in education is typically geared towards, creating a more student centered, adaptive environnement where learners can contribute to the course material, formulate and express their own insights and opinion, construct their own understanding of material by connecting concepts, to personal experience or current events, and learn from one another in collaborative environments . Web 2.0 , social media and other digital and information tehnologies are powerful and interesting tools, which open up new opportunities for everyone and for this reason teachers and students must know how to use it nowadays in a safety mode .
Dear teachers , visitors and eLearning specialists you can join free this free opensource PLN - PUBLIC LEARNING NETWORK for this e-Safety project also you can join many others groups - See it in the clouds :)
First my #edtech20 project is selected in The TOP 50 entries submitted to the eLearning Awards 2010 .Teaching online safety and citizenship Award
If you like this project join to collaborate on facebook
I will present this project in Global Education Conference #globaled10 November 18, 6pm – 7pm
and all of you are welcome to follow my presentation on Elluminate .
and all of you are welcome to follow my presentation on Elluminate .