Lucian:Father.Teacher, MIEExpert, Google &Edmodo Trainer,Curator

Tuesday, March 30, 2010
web 2.0 web 3.0 tools applications semantic web new tehnologies second life in education - Ning network for teachers
Visit web20 , semantic web 3.0 and newtehnologies in education2010
I am teacher hwo share knowledge using web 2.0 , mLearning , Elearning , Social Media and also I like to use Second Life and Google Wave . Follow on Twitter @web20education , Use hastag #edtech20
I am founder
Everyoane is welcome to join our groups for this Ning based on new tehnologies in education :
On facebook -becone a fan
On Linkedin
On google wave web20 , semantic web 3.0 and newtechnologies in education2010
On learncentral -
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My PLN blog:
New My Second Life blog :
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My e-portfolio eTwinning :
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My all accounts in one place .
Other information about me :
Coordinator for international educational project ,,Different, but equal "- partenership and collaboration between students with special needs in Europe .I organized in this project international contest , international exhibition and International symposium . I speak about this project in European Parliament from Brusseles because I was selected in the 8 finalists from 44 participants in AtmosphEuropa Conest . I involved in this project teachers and students from 12 countries and I have also parteners 100 teachers from Romania . See Social Network for european parteners and also blog . I want to show also social network for romanian parteners here and Blog here
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Why do we connect ; Video project . #edchat , #PLN and new . #edtech20

I was very excited by the propose made by @ShellTerrell founder for #edchat on Twitter who bring alltoghether thousounds of teachers and other interested persons in education and for this reason I was very glade to participate in this interesting video project because today teachers must connect because web 2.0 and new tehnologies are a open gateway for knowlegde .
See also my video here .
Why do we connect ?
We connect to make new friends from all over the world , we connect to learn about what is new related to new tehnologies across the web , we connect to became more and more better teachers for our students
Here you can see original video made by Shelly .
Why Do We Connect? Short Version from Shelly Terrell on Vimeo.
I made also a Ning for teachers who use new tehnologies in 2010 and all of you are welcome here and to became members here
Now we have for our Ning many other groups :!w%252Ban...
Become a fan .
Follow on twitter .
Here you can bring all yours web 2.0 accounts like me
Find more photos like this on web20 , semantic web 3.0 and newtehnologies in education2010 ">
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Twitter Tools for Fun

Twitter Tools for Fun
How time flys by when we’re having Fun. It was just about one year ago, Evan Williams CEO of Twitter reported there was approx. 2,000 third party tools and apps that integrated with Twitter. That seemed really impressive then.
Well guess what? Now there are reports of over 50,000 tools and apps. Can you say WoWza?!?!!
To keep things simple we’re sharing a tidbit with a link to some Twitter Tools you can use for FUN. (Twitter Addiction meds not included)
Twitter Tools For Fun and More
Crowd Status Crowd Status- View the status of your friends on Twitter in a start-up page style.
Bkkeepr Bkkeepr – With this service, you can track the books you are reading on Twitter.
CommuterFeed CommuterFeed– You can share your traffic report on Commuterfeed using Twitter.
Foamee Foamee – This is a fun site that allows you to track people who owes you beer or coffee using your Twitter account.
FoodFeed FoodFeed – is a micro blogging site that you can use to post about your food habits through Twitter.
InnerTwitter InnerTwitter– Meditate by receiving chimes at regular intervals from InnerTwitter.
Notches Notches – Allows you to write reviews of certain items on Twitter.
Hahlo Hahlo – if you are not satisfied with your Twitter interface, you can check out Hahlo to manage your Twitter account. It gives you a separate profile page and the rest of the Twitter features in a new look.
My Tweeple My Tweeple – Manage your friends and followers in Twitter on a single web page.
Post Like a Pirate Post Like a Pirate – This tool allow you to convert your post into pirate-speak before posting it to Twitter. I, however, don’t need it, because I already speak like a pirate. Yarr!
Quitter Quitter will help you how to use Twitter to quit smoking. Bonus points for cool name.
Roll The Dice Roll the dice – You can use this service to do all the silly things on Twitter like roll a dice, flip a coin, deal cards, or generate a random number.
StrawPoll Straw Poll – Sends out polls on Twitter that you can participate on. As they say, you can never have too many polls.
TrackThis Track This – This is an useful service to get updates of your shipment using Twitter. It supports FedEx, UPS, USPS and DHL tracking codes.
Twee60 Twee60 – You can tweet your Xbox live status with Twee60 automatically.
TwitResponse TwitResponse – Set up your Twitter posts for the future.
TwittEarth TwitEarth – This is a 3D model of the earth displaying the latest updates on Twitter across the globe. You can download the tool as a screensaver.
Twitterfeed – Posts your blog posts automatically to Twitter.
TwitterMeThis TwitterMeThis– When you follow TwitterMeThis, it will send you a question randomly. If you are the first to answer that question, then you get $5.
TwitterSpy TwitterSpy provides you a Google map on its site. when you hover your mouse above certain locations on that map, you get to see the latest public posts from that area. Strangely addicting.
Tweetclouds Tweetclouds – Create a word cloud from a public Twitter stream using this service.
Tweetgift – Remember Facebook where you can poke, throw a sheep, or hug a friend? Tweetgift enables you to do the same on Twitter.
Twaction – Another service that lets you do Facebook-style pokes and slaps at friends.
Twistori – Based on Summize, this service collects Twitter messages with words such as love, hate, think, believe, wish, and feel and displays them on its site with automatic updates.
Twitpoll Twitpoll– You can participate on polls using Twitter through Twitpoll.
Tweetshots Tweetshots– this service allows you to take your Twitter posts to Tumblr, embed in websites, or send over email.
TwitterAnswers TwitterAnswers combines Twitter and Mosio, so that you can send questions over Twitter and have them answered by other people.
Twitter Karma Twitter Karma – This tool fetches your Twitter friends and followers and displays them for you, letting you paginate through them in a nicer way than you would on Twitter.
TwitterNotes TwitterNotes – You can create notes on TwitterNotes using Twitter and tagging your notes.
TwitterPoster TwitterPoster– This site generates a mosaic of user icons of those with a large number of followers on Twitter.
TwitterSnooze TwitterSnooze– If you have friends on Twitter who are updating every 10 seconds and are irritating the hell out of you, you can simply now snooze them away using this tool.
TwitterSpectrum TwitterSpectrum– Based on Summize, this tool show you the associated words of two pair of words or names in a nice spectrum layout.
Xpenser Xpenser– Record your expenses using Twitter. You can also use other mediums like email, SMS, IM, voice, etc.
Who Should I follow Who Should I follow – Find interesting people to follow on Twitter using this tool.
Read more here and read Share informations and videos through twitter .
See also
Top 5 Twitter Tracking and Analytics Tools
Every second 100 more tweets from huge number of follower and lists. Are all the tweet interesting, or you able to view all the tweets. The answer is “NO”. So how do you know that tweets from the people you follow are good or not, or your followers beaviours. So here are the list of Top 5 Twitter Tracking and Analytics Tools
TwitterCounter is a great twitter service that offers updated statistics of your followers, following, and daily tweets. You could further compare absolute growth of multiple twitter accounts or also compare them with your competitor’s expansion. Track, measure and redesign your strategy on twitter.
It is an interesting tool that helps to get all kind of statistic chart about you and your friends behavior at Twitter site. If you love using Google Analytics then this tool is sure to impress you. Some exciting features of Twitter Analyzer are – you can see how followers are online presently, who retweets your messages, what people are writing about you, Twitter following stats, your Tweeting habits and many more
3. Tweetstats
Tweetstats graph down your twitter stats including, tweets per hour, per month, tweet timeline, and reply statistics. Also show you TweetCloud and how many twooshes you have had.
4. Twitalyzer
Twitalyzer is a free tool to evaluate the activity of any Twitter user and report on dozens of useful measures of success in social media. This powerful tool can help you measure influence, popularity, velocity and generosity of your twitter account.
5. Twitturly
16 Cool Twitter Tools for Firefox
A lot of people love both Twitter and Firefox. With both having so many plug-ins available it only seems natural that there would be quite a few tools to merge both Twitter and Firefox together. If you’re the type of person that likes flexibility, take a peek at these tools, theres sure to be something that appeals to you.
(As with all Firefox tool lists, we recommend that you don’t install all of these unless you want your browser to move at the speed of a turtle.)
1. DashBlog – DashBlog lets you easily tweet about items you find on the web such as videos, text, quotes, images and more. Also works with Tumblr (Tumblr reviews), WordPress (WordPress reviews) and Blogger (blogger reviews).
2. Friendbar – See your incoming tweets right in the toolbar as well as post updates of your own. Also works with Facebook (Facebook reviews) friends.
3. StockTwits – A Firefox add-on that works with the StockTwits site. It will turn any StockTwits tagged tweets on the site into a link back to the StockTwits site so you can follow the conversation.
4. Twitter Line – Displays incoming tweets from your friends timeline in a toolbar, and allows you to post updates to your own account.
5. Twitter StatusBar – A discrete tool that collapses into your status bar when not in use. Just click on the “T” symbol to bring it up and send out your latest update.
6. Twitter Toolbar – A toolbar that allows you to post updates any time you want as you browse. Also includes pre-written messages for common sayings on the service.
7. TwitBin (Twitbin reviews) – Opens up a Twitter client in your sidebar so you can send and read tweets no matter where you are on the Web without changing tabs or windows.
8. TwitKit – A sidebar Twitter client that breaks down into tabs for @replies, account stats, public timeline, sending tweets, your friends’ latest tweets and a list of all your followers.
9. TwitterBar – Type your tweets in the address bar and press the icon at the end to send them. Also allows you to easily tweet about the page you are currently looking at by leaving it in the address bar when you type out your message.
10. TwitterFox (Twitterfox reviews) – A Twitter client for Firefox that will allow you to see your friend updates, add your own, retweet, delete read tweets from your stream and more.
11. Tw-autocomplete – Allows for autocomplete of Twitter usernames for @ and D messages as you are typing them on the Twitter site.
12. TweetStalk – Adds a “Stalk” button next to the “Follow” button on Twitter so you can follow someone without them knowing it. Can also create an RSS feed of their tweets so you can read them in your favorite reader.
13. TwitThat - A bookmarklet that lets you tweet about the current Web page you are reading.
14. Twitter Search – The name says it all for this handy tool that gives you access to the real-time Twitter search.
15. TwittyTunes – Works with FoxyTunes (FoxyTunes reviews) to submit the songs you listen to that you wish to share with the Twitter community. If you choose not to use it with FoxyTunes, you can also post about sites and videos you are viewing.
16. Twitzer - Allows you to tweet messages longer than 140 characters by adding a link to the overflow text, you can also de-Twitzer text and have it displayed directly on the Twitter site.
BONUS: “Power Twitter” is a Cool Twitter Tool for Firefox was shared and recommended by RanchoVibe “The goal of Power Twitter is simple: make twitter better”.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Ning network for teachers hwo use new tehnologies in education in 2010
Visit web20 , semantic web 3.0 and newtehnologies in education2010
I made also a meebo chat room for our Ning where we can change information about how we use new tehnologies in education still 2010 .
Friday, March 12, 2010
Web 2.o and Social Media in Education
Here are few informations about me :
Utilizarea web 2.0 , social media si a noilor tehnologii in educatie pot schimba si face mai atractiv procesul instructiv educativ din Romania si din acest motiv am hotarat sa lansez aceasta retea sociala in limba engleza in cadrul careia sunt invitati sa colaboreze profesori si experti elearning din Romania pentru ca impreuna cu alti profesori si experti elearning din intreaga lume sa realizam o retea importanta si o wiki care sa contina instrumente si aplicatii web 2.0 si social media care pot face procesul de invatamant mai interesant si interactiv atat pentru elevi cat si pentru profesori . Astfel in cadrul grupurilor realizate vom discuta despre : social networking ; blogging ; microblogging ; tools and applications web 2.0 and social media ; online-classes ; on-line web conferncing and webinars ; photos ,animations, presentations , podcasting , videos , Wikis and second life in education, free chats si altele . Deasemenea daca cineva doreste si stie am putea o data la doua saptamani sa selectam cele mai utile si interesante materiale si sa le publicam pe un blog .
In viitor doresc ca pentru acest proiect sa facem o regiune in second life cu filmulete , prezentari si alte materiale utile si interesante dar pentru acest lucru am nevoie de colaboratori .
Mai jos sunt mai multe informatii in limba engleza .
Follow on Twitter @web20education , Use hastag #edtech20 . If you post on twitter in romanian language use hastag #roedchat and if you post informations or subject related to second life use hastag #sledchat .
See also our groups : On facebook -becone a fan , on Linkedin , on cloudworks , On google wave web20 , semantic web 3.0 and newtechnologies in education2010 , on learncentral , on squidoo, on Diigo ,
Information about me - I was selected this year to work at the Internet Safety Project under EUN read :
My blog in romanian language :
My PLN blog:
New My Second Life blog :
My Yahoo ID: and messenger
My Google Buzz account :
My e-portfolio eTwinning :
More ;
Follow me on Twitter
My google account
All accounts in one place .
See also and .
Other information about me :
Coordinator for international educational project ,,Different, but equal "- partenership and collaboration between students with special needs in Europe .I organized in this project international contest , international exhibition and International symposium . I speak about this project in European Parliament from Brusseles because I was selected in the 8 finalists from 44 participants in AtmosphEuropa Conest . I involved in this project teachers and students from 12 countries and I have also parteners 100 teachers from Romania . See Social Network for european parteners and also blog . I want to show also social network for romanian parteners here and Blog here
I am teacher hwo share knowledge using web 2.0 , mLearning , Elearning , Social Media and also I like to use Second Life and Google Wave . Follow me .
My name is Lucian Cornel Duma . I am teacher and coordinator for educational
projects and programes in Special School Caransebes, Romania and I am very glade to collaborate with all of you . I launch this day project ,,Different, but equal „ in Romania and I had to do much work . International project ,,Different, but equal " in Romania
Our eTwinning project take part last year under EUROPEAN YEAR FOR CREATIVITY AND INNOVATION . THIS YEAR I WILL ORGANIZE IN THIS PROJECT 3 BIG EVENTS : INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION was organized in 13 mars , INTERNATIONAL CONTEST in 16 april and in 28 may INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ,,Creativity and innovation for combating social exclusion " . You can see these activities here . I made for a good collaboration in this project ,,Different , but equal " - under European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion . - OUR PROJECT BLOG , our project Ning , blog for international project in Romania , Ning for project in Romania .
This year we have in our project a Ning network and a Blog for a good collaboration and I will organize in this eTwinning project international exhibition , international contest and international symposium .
I am fascinated by Web 2.0 and I am particularly interested in social networking, mLearning, ELEARNING and social media networking and blogging
Here is where you can find me:
Follow My Twitter account: @DUMACORNELLUCIA
My Twitter hastag #edtech2.0
My PLN blog:
New My Second Life blog :
My Yahoo ID:
My e-portfolio eTwinning :
More ;
All teachers and researchers hwo use web 2.0, mLearning, ELEARNING and social media is invited to join facebook group
I made also for collaboratrion Eluminate and learncentral group
Looking forward to sharing with all of you.
The term "Web 2.0" (2004–present) is commonly associated with web applications that facilitate interactive information sharing, interoperability, user-centered design,[1] and collaboration on the World Wide Web. Examples of Web 2.0 include web-based communities, hosted services, web applications, social-networking sites, video-sharing sites, wikis, blogs, mashups, and folksonomies. A Web 2.0 site allows its users to interact with other users or to change website content, in contrast to non-interactive websites where users are limited to the passive viewing of information that is provided to them.
The term is closely associated with Tim O'Reilly because of the O'Reilly Media Web 2.0 conference in 2004.[2][3] Although the term suggests a new version of the World Wide Web, it does not refer to an update to any technical specifications, but rather to cumulative changes in the ways software developers and end-users use the Web. Whether Web 2.0 is qualitatively different from prior web technologies has been challenged by World Wide Web inventor Tim Berners-Lee, who called the term a "piece of jargon" — precisely because he intended the Web to embody these values in the first place.
About web 2.0
The term Web 2.0 is getting thrown around a lot and the multiple confusion over what it is, and what it means to businesses, has made for rough waters. No one wants to be left behind in the new wave of technology. Everyone wants to discover the new “killer app,” but if you don’t really understand the concept, how will you know when you’ve found it?
See also
Very often when you hear the phrase Web 2.0 it is refering to a specific software set. AJAX for writing applications, Myspace and Facebook social networking applications, wiki's such as wikipedia all fall under the Web 2.0 identity. Technology gurus identify Web 2.0 as software and processes that allow portions of a page to be reloaded separately providing for greater interactive capabilities between users and web pages, but this isn't the origin or definition of the term. In spite of the excitement generated by Web 2.0 enthusiasts, and new applications popping up all over, one surprising thing the geniuses in the know agree on, Web 2.0 does not represent new technology.
Contrary to some beliefs, Web 2.0 is not Ajax, IP6, or a bunch of shiny buttons on your blog.
The issue and possible confusion results from the fact that Web 2.0 was coined originally as a term for a concept. The concept regarded the change in how the general public was using the internet, in the greater dynamic of thought about the web and, both originating with this change and as a consequence of it, the broadened capabilities and functionality of the web. With more people doing more things it was a bigger badder internet thus- Web 2.0. The specific applications and software identified with Web 2.0 are merely those that take advantage of the networking interactive opportunities.
It's true the internet is relatively a very recent development and its full impact is far from realized. Not without merit, it has been pointed out that the first impulse of a new form is to carry over the formats of the old form- photography at first mostly mimicked the efforts of painting, TV mimicked the styles of theater. As the technologies caught on and people began to experiment, each technology found their own territory, fleshed out their own formats, and brought about their own revolutions in human behavior. Web 2.0 refers to that revolution in human behavior in its relationship to the Web, emphasis on human. The technologies paired with the term are in some sense additional options on your TV remote- some are great some you’ll never use, but the reason they are making a splash is because now everyone is using their TV. The current flurry of new applications, this explosion of new “inventions,” will likely fade out leaving the best, the strongest, and the luckiest survivors. Many lack a fundamental or marketable value, meaning, despite the idealistic hopes of those who believe everything should be free, they won’t be supported into a long life. What is important to focus on isn’t the specific applications, but the logic behind their new prolific development, the human incorporation of the internet into our daily lives.
Because this doesn’t represent a new technology, because they are smart enough to recognize a fad, many will dismiss Web 2.0 and its representative software as meaningless. At best, it may be an interesting Anthropological study in the new ways communities form and interact through the internet. For the most part these companies will be missing very little, in brief they are right. However, awareness of truth behind Web 2.0 doesn’t just point out the fad nature of the supposedly new software capability. The overlooked significance of Web 2.0 is in understanding the manner in which the technology is being used and interpreted in a new generation.
Marketing strategies and the real world weight of the Web are the heavy blows of Web 2.0 and the lesser discussed SOA (service oriented architecture). It isn’t so much that you can do more on the web now, but that more people are doing it. More people are spending a greater percentage of their time, in work and play, relying more on information and functions provided by Web services, and even interacting with their communities and creating new communities. A functional web presence is not an extra, a status symbol, or one more advertising market, it is becoming mandatory for business survival. Due to the nature of web surfing and increased relevance of content over capture of motivation, marketing and advertising strategies must be rethought, revolutionized. Rather than looking for the next “killer app,” understanding and exploring the trend of these changes in human behavior, learning to both maximize and target markets in this venue, and placing a higher importance on online customer service skills are what the intelligent businessman will be doing in regards to Web 2.0.
Social media is media designed to be disseminated through social interaction, created using highly accessible and scalable publishing techniques. Social media uses Internet and web-based technologies to transform broadcast media monologues (one to many) into social media dialogues (many to many). It supports the democratization of knowledge and information, transforming people from content consumers into content producers. Andreas Kaplan and Michael Haenlein define social media as "a group of Internet-based applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0, and that allow the creation and exchange of user-generated content"[1]. Businesses also refer to social media as user-generated content (UGC) or consumer-generated media (CGM). Social media utilization is believed to be a driving factor in the idea that the current period in time will be defined as the Attention Age.
Social Media Strategy
What can social media do for your company? Do you know the difference between Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Gather, and Myspace? Social media is the hot new thing. This means it can be overlooked as a fad that won’t really make a difference, or it can be overhyped. It may be unclear how this platform can help your marketing and what strategy is the best to adopt. With the following breakdown of the most commonly used sites, we hope to clear up a few issues.
Facebook: Originally a college social site, it’s open now to the public. Advantages in the Facebook design are primarily in the nature of connectivity. Facebook’s design encourages further connections, constantly suggesting possible people and groups to make contact with. Built into its design structure is also the possibility of building a fan network, rather than only “friend” connections. Likely an effect of its original manifestation, Facebook has a more severe aesthetic, lacking the bright colors and originality of Myspace page designs. Its connectivity is not something to overlook in any way. Personal referrals are still the best advertising and Facebook has a built in referral method showing friends what companies and people their friends are connected to.
Twitter: has a lot of buzz going around about it right now, but it isn’t the most effective tool for marketing. It is a short line communication, updating connections with a brief update of goings on. If your company is capable of generating a continuous flow of engaging short updates, then it may be convenient, otherwise another social media may be a better option.You can read more about twitter here .
Myspace: Suffering from an association with internet predators, many college bound or parentally restricted teens were encouraged away from Myspace. However, it’s bright aesthetic allowing for strong independence in page design and it’s easy and active music play options have kept it popular in some circles, especially with youth oriented bands and their fans. It doesn’t have the connectivity of Facebook. Here, your potential customers mostly still have to be looking for you or you have to be actively recruiting them.
LinkedIn: Is marketed towards job hunters. An excellent interface for business connections and resume sharing, it isn’t currently designed for stronger and broader ranging social connections. There are discussion groups available and strong connectivity possibilities within professional spheres, school or organizational. Inversely from the potential of more lightly social connection sites, LinkedIn might be best taken advantage of by use of targeted and personal connections rather than an all-inclusive fan building strategy.
Twitter: has a lot of buzz going around about it right now, but it isn’t the most effective tool for marketing. It is a short line communication, updating connections with a brief update of goings on. If your company is capable of generating a continuous flow of engaging short updates, then it may be convenient, otherwise another social media may be a better option.
Gather: one of the newer options, this site advertises itself as the adult option for social networking. It lacks the games and quizzes that abound on both Myspace and Facebook, and has no real options for personalizing your homespace with Myspace style decorations, however in keeping with its adult persona, it is an excellent spot for following and connecting with blogs and interest focused conversations. It may be an ideal place to host conversations regarding market specific topics, keeping in touch with customer concerns and proving your company to be up to date in the conversation.
Advertising always works when you have the right message sent to the right audience with the right medium. It’s all about the right time and place. How people are looking for the services your company offers is one of the most important questions for a marketing strategist to ask, and included in the answer is, almost always, people ask their friends. This means social media is not a platform that should be overlooked
Social media has modernized the business community. Businesses are now able to reach consumers in a new way; through the internet. Social media has become appealing to big business. Credible brands are utilizing social media to reach old customers, gain new ones and build or maintain credibility and reputation among consumers. In recent years social mediums have drastically grown. This has tremendously increased the number of consumers that producers are able to reach. Social mediums have not only grown in popularity with the increase in consumer participants, but social mediums have also expanded globally. Twitter, for example has expanded its global reach to Japan, Indonesia, and Mexico to name a few. This means that brands are now able advertise in multiple languages and therefore empower brand and consumer reach and improve their brand. Social media has become the new "tool" for effective business marketing and sales. Social mediums are not only a way for businesses to interact with consumers but also a source of networking and communication between people. Popular networking sites including Myspace, Facebook and Twitter are social mediums most commonly used for socialization and connecting friends, relatives, and employees.
Social media can be said to have three components;
1. Concept (art, information, or meme).
2. Media (physical, electronic, or verbal).
3. Social interface (intimate direct, community engagement, social viral, electronic broadcast or syndication, or other physical media such as print).
Common forms of social media;
* Concepts, slogans, and statements with a high memory retention quotient, that excite others to repeat.
* Grass-Roots direct action information dissemination such as public speaking, installations, performance, and demonstrations.
* Electronic media with 'sharing', syndication, or search algorithm technologies (includes internet and mobile devices).
* Print media, designed to be re-distributed.
Web 2.0 for the Classroom Teacher
An Internet Hotlist on Web 2.0
created by Sue Summerford
Web 2.0 for the Classroom Teacher
An Internet Hotlist on Web 2.0
The Internet Resources
- Back to School With The Class of Web 2.0 Part 1 - categories of web 2.0 tools for school
- Geek Your Teaching! (Marilyn's Top Ten Web Sites for K-12' - Marilyn Western's top ten web sites for K-12 presented to MSU students
- Go2Web20 - Complete Web 2.0 site - sort by date added, alphabetically, and by tags; links directly to sites from icons
- Google Homepage - Create your own customized home page with favorite links to fun content or sites used frequently
- NEW 2009! I Want To . . . - a great collection of Web 2.0 applications for classroom and beyond (recommended by Melissa & Carolyn)
- NEW! Free Technology Toolkit for UDL in All Classrooms - Free UDL Tech Toolkit Wiki - Karen Janowski/Joyce Valenza - great links to classroom resources to support learning for all students
- Nicenet - Online Classroom Environment (eLenawee) - Email me at if you'd like to be added to the eLenawee Nicenet classroom site. It's a work in progress.
- One of My 'Ta-Da' Lists - Sue's 'Sites to Visit' list at
- Protopage - ssummerford's Protopage - create your own online page for sharing of information, links, photos, etc.
- RSS - A Quick Start Guide for Educators - by Will Richardson -
- Sue's 'Teacher Tools & Resources' in Filamentality - updated 8/15/2006 - includes WebQuest Resources, online tools for lesson plans, and other great K-12 teacher sites
- Sue's FURL Page - Furl is a great resource - it is an online social bookmarking tool. It allows users to share pages categorized by keywords or 'tags' and also archives or caches the pages for future reference. Here are some of my recent bookmarked sites . . .
- TeachDigital - Wesley Fryer's web 2.0 wiki
- Web 2.0 in Education (Shambles Menu) - good web 2.0 classroom applications/ideas (from Keith Stanger's (EMU) 'Library Guy' page)
- Web Two Point Oh (Shambles Menu) - categorized links to web 2.0 applications
- Webwag - personalized portal with a mobile version, similar to pageflakes, etc.
Blog-Podcast-Vlog-Screencast Resources
- ACIDplanet (8-pack every Tuesday) -
- ASCAP - Copyright Issues -
- Audacity 'How-To' Screencast - Matt Pasiewicz on using Audacity
- Audioblogger - audio posts from your phone
- Auto Screen Recorder - free download, record deskstop area, window, or full screen & pointer (sound recording $$)
- BMI - Copyright /Licensing -
- Basic Podcasting Gear - Jason VanOrden
- Beginner's Guide To Podcast Creation - good section on Converting Your Podcast & Compression
- - get video & podcasting on your blog
- CNET Podcast Tutorial - 4 hour tutorial via
- Citing Sources in APA Style -
- Class BlogMeister - David Warlick’s classroom blog site – new & improved
- ClassCaster - course blogging/podcasting system (must be member of CALI – Computer Assisted Legal Instruction)
- Creative Commons - Creative Commons is a nonprofit organization that offers flexible copyright licenses for creative works.
- Dave's Imaginary Sound Space - podcast-safe music resources (recommended by Tony V.)
- - free blogs for educators
- Feed2JS - Feed to JavaScript code converter
- Feed2Podcast - instantly turns your blog’s RSS feed into a podcast
- FeedJumbler - compile your students’ 60+ blogs to read regularly in one place
- Free ACID Loops -
- Gcast - create your own podcast
- Google Blog Search -
- How to Plan Your Podcast - Jason VanOrden
- -
- Jake Ludington's Mediablab - Podcasting Tutorial -
- Kirk's Eight Rules For Effective Podcasting -
- Learnerblogs - Directions for Setting up from Mike Hetherington -
- Making It Out Alive Podcast (mp3 file) - WGBH Morning Stories -
- - podcast hosting
- Mikogo - screen sharing tool - Mikogo is a free desktop sharing tool perfect for hosting online meetings and distant learning. Users can start free online meetings and conduct presentations in true color quality across the world with up to 10 participants simultaneously.
- Mind42 - interesting toolsets related to other web 2.0 resources; collaborative mapping tool, add images, notes, 'todo' list
- My Podcast - Free podcast hosting
- - podcast hosting
- Odeo - listen, download, create your own “odeo” file podcast
- Pluck RSS Reader - Add a Feed Wizard
- Pod 101 - WGBH Morning Stories - both mp3 & video links
- Podcast Hosting - Jason VanOrden
- Podcasting 101 - Subscribing -
- Podcasting 102 - Recording Your Show -
- Podcasting 103 - Recording Interviews at a Distance -
- Podcasting 104 - Building Your RSS Feed -
- Podcasting Underground - Jason's Blog - Writing for the ears is different than writing for the eyes.
- Podcasts For Kids, By Kids - from Tony Vincent's site
- Publishing a Podcast - Yahoo Directions -
- Pushing Information to Others' iPods (Apple PDF) -
- Radio WillowWeb Guide To Podcasting (PDF) -
- Radio WillowWeb's FeedBurner Page -
- RadioWillowWeb - Tony Vincent's students in Omaha, Nebraska (listen to what students from other places had to say about Radio WillowWeb)
- Resources for Podcasting -
- Rubric for Blogging - Brenda Dyck's blogging evaluation
- Safety - Cyberethics for Kids -
- Safety - Ms. Frizzle's Classroom Blog Rules -
- Safety - MySpace Safety Tips - filtered on site
- Safety - NetSmartzKids - interactive for parents, teens, educators, kids & law enforcement
- Safety - SBC Internet Safety Game for Kids -
- Safety - -
- Safety - Web Wise Kids - Does your school have a program to promote Internet safety for kids?
- Safety - iSafe - Does your school have a program to promote Internet safety for kids?
- Samples & Loops - good resource - lots of links to free loops
- Screencast-O-Matic - free screencast creator online, post to your own blog or wikispace
- Scribd - Sign up for a free account, and upload a PDF, DOC, PPT, XLS, TXT, etc. to the Scribd library, where it is turned into an Adobe Flash Paper document Simply browse/upload your text document, publish, have the ability to have it read aloud, then download the doc as PDF, plain text, and the read-aloud audio can be downloaded as an MP3 file. However, it will become a PUBLIC document once it has been published. Simply upload to Scribd, download the MP3, and load it onto an iPod or other audio device. To check out a test doc go to:
27167?secret_password equals b6ta2iws7l71c - Streamload - STREAMLOAD gives you a private and secure place to upload, store, access, and share your personal videos, photos, music, and files.
- - podcast hosting
- Teach 42 - Steve Dembo on podcasting -
- Technorati - search the blogosphere
- The Carol and Steve Show - just for fun
- The Education Podcast Network - look for K-12 produced podcasts
- The Internet Public Library's List of Blogs -
- Video-ThePower of Web 2.0 - Nalts, Revver - progression of broadcasting from bedroom wires to YouTube
- Voicethread - A place to capture the voices behind your pictures
- Working with Audio and Text Content on an iPod (Apple PDF) -
Collaboration-Wiki Sites
- Ajax-Write - web-based word processor – requires Mozilla Firefox browser
- BitTorrent - download - share files & bandwidth
- Blurb - create/publish your own book
- DrawAnywhere - spiffy little drag & drop drawing application for diagrams & flow charts; tools are kind of all over the place until you figure it out, but this could be useful
- Dropload - FTP large files – up to 100MB – share with others
- Editing PBWiki -
- - online portfolio/learning community, embed files, repositories (install on server) – designed for university people but applicable to K-12
- Forumer - forums for free, phpBB Hosting
- Glypho Collab Book Writing - read/write novels collaboratively
- GroupSharp - provides hosted weblists, databases, documents & wikis for groups & businesses
- Groupboard - Groupboard lets you set up a multi-user whiteboard and put it onto your web page. Teachers have been using Groupboard for over 10 years for tutoring and distance learning.
- Jotspot - Wiki -
- Jotspotlive (JotNotes) - take one set of notes live in a collaborative meeting, see changes as they happen - everyone types on the same web page
- Lulu - be your own publish – publish a book, CD, or DVD in minutes
- PBWiki - create your own wiki
- Rallypoint - online collaboration tool
- SeeedWiki -
- - create your own Internet broadcast tv show in minutes with a camera and an Internet connection
- Wiki Resources from Teach With Tech Blog - The official website for the 'Teach with Tech' podcast, presented by the Indiana University School of Education Instructional Consulting office. This podcast, and this blog, are designed to feature information and resources relevant to teaching with technology at the K-12 and higher education levels.
- WikiBooks - free, open-content textbooks that you can edit
- WikiCommons - everything 'media'
- WikiJunior Big Cats - Here's an example of a book for K-12 students that is being written collaboratively using a wiki:
- WikiMedia Commons - find some free-use music that's legal to add to your podcast
- WikiQuotes - quotes from notable people & creative works in every language
- WikiSource - The Free Library - Wiki Source – The Free Library – is an online collection of free content source texts built by its contributors.
- WikiSpaces - Create simple web pages that groups, friends, and families can edit together
- WikiSpecies - open, free directory of species
- WikiTour BusStop - starting point for Wiki newcomers
- Wikipedia - Metawiki Search Engine
- Wikis - How Stuff Works -
- Wikiville - worldwide community portal – share about your town/neighborhood and read about others
- Wiktionary - Wiktionary – free, collaborative multilingual dictionary resource
- Worldwide Wiki: SwitchWiki - Worldwide Wiki: SwitchWiki – effort to catalogue all wikis on the Web
- Writeboard - online whiteboard for sharing, Writeboard – online whiteboard for sharing, collaborating
- ZohoWriter - Zoho Writer – create, edit & share online documents from anywhere
- idPad - free download, collaborative authoring tool for kids
Online Productivity/Organization Tools
- 30boxes - online calendar
- 43Things - share your list of 43 life goals/priorities
- Assign-A-Day Calendar Maker - online calendar
- Backpack - project/list organization tool
- Basecamp - project collaboration tool/communication – share files/schedules, & writeboards free, $$ limited free features
- Blue Host - web hosting, own domain name, $6.95/mo.
- Bluwiki - yet another option for creating a collaborative wiki space
- Bubbleshare - your photos, your voice, your story - narrated slide show online
- BudgetTracker - online budget tracker, money manager
- Campfire - simple web-based group chat for businesses
- Carbonmade - free online portfolio site - show off your work
- Create a Graph - all kinds of graphs can be created – save, share, print
- Eyespot - mix & share video content – organize random clips – host & share out
- Flickr - sign in to share photos (part of Yahoo)
- Furl - save & retrieve web pages from anywhere, social bookmarks
- Google Docs & Spreadsheets - create/collaborate/share - free online word processing/spreadsheet creation tools from Google - tracks revisions
- Google Web Page Creator - Google Web Page Creator – create your own web pages quickly & easily (service not accepting new accounts at this time – sign up for gmail to join waiting list
- GoogleAlert - track your interests on the web
- JotSpot - take one set of notes live in a collaborative meeting, see changes as they happen
- Krunch ( - compress & uncompress files online
- Letterfu - one page fold & mail letter template
- LiveMarks - live feed - watch live updates, then go exploring
- Mindmeister - web-based collaboratiave mind-mapping tool
- Mob5 - create a mobile homepage
- MoonEdit - free download; multi-user collaborative text editor
- NumSum - online spreadsheet
- Pageflakes - your personalized startpage to the Web
- Photojojo - subscribe to photo newsletter for great tips
- Picaboo - create online picture albums
- PrimoPDF - free PDF converter
- Projects (miscellaneous) - learn Chinese, collective poetry, other Google map related applications, shared programming apps
- RSS Calendar - share your calendar with others
- Remember the Milk - manage tasks & receive reminders (email, SMS, IM)
- Scriblink - your online whiteboard for collaboration
- Skobee - online planning/scheduline tool
- Skype - voice over IP – telephone through the computer (free calls within US/Canada)
- Snapfish - photosharing
- Springdoo - video email online made easy – no attachments
- SuperGlu - piecing your web content together in one place
- Ta-da List Maker - make lists & get stuff done!
- Tabblo - online photo sharing templates
- Think Free Office Suite Online - create MS Office compatible docs, spreadsheets presentations free online – 1 GB file storage
- Wridea - create pages & categories to manage your projects & ideas
- Writely - web word processor (currently closed to new registrants while being moved to Google servers)
- Zexer - free online address book
- Zoho Creator - Create an online database in minutes!
- Zoomerang - online survey tool (A limited-feature trial version of zPro surveys. Limited to 100 or fewer participants and 30 or fewer questions. Results expire after 10 days. Ongoing Membership: Free)
- - start storing your favorite websites on, access them from anywhere!
- gOFFICE - Word & limited desktop publishing online
- iOutliner - create online outline for projects
- iRows - online spreadsheet
- snipurl - snip your long URLS to make them easier to remember
- voo2do - track/organize/prioritize tasks & projects
Online Teacher Resources & Fun Stuff To Try
- Ajax Translator - online translator, multiple languages
- Animoto - upload your pics, select music, and have your own music video mixed in just minutes to email out to friends & family
- ArtPad - paint online, frame, hang in gallery, share with friends with save & send
- - search engine – see “Ask for Kids” (replaces Jeeves)
- Assign-A-Day Calendar Maker - online assignment calendar
- Blabberize - upload picture – grab from Discovery Streaming – you do have the right to republish DES images – use citation Align red box to lower half of mouth/chin to shape of mouth/chin area when talking – shows cutout Record>Save>Email>can be private except by direct link you copy/paste or Embed in web page
- CTC Music Mixer - fun to play with sounds, mixes
- CasaNotes - ALTEC’s – templates for notes to parents, etc.
- Citation Machine - select APA or MLA - interactive web tool to help you cite sources
- Citation Maker - bibliography maker APA or MLA
- Class Notes - free communication tool – syllabus, homework, messageboard, calendar, news, gradebook, etc.
- Class Set-up Tool (Scholastic) - design your class seating chart - interactive
- CogDooRoo - 50 Web Tools To Create a Story - Alan Levine's wikispace for digital storytelling - 50 web tools you can use to tell a story
- Comic Creator - Interactive Comic Strip Creator – ReadWriteThink(IRA/NCTE site)
- Community Maps - create community projects in geography & history
- Create-a-Graph - all kinds of graphs can be created – save, share, print
- Delivr - online digital postcards (image access denied at school)
- DigitalStoryteller - web-based, online tool from University of Virginia
- Dr. Hotlist's Emerging Web Technologies - When you get tired of THIS page, go to Dr. Hotlist's Emerging Web Technologies, by Odvard Egil Dyrli. Web technologies bring powerful new dimensions to K-12 education. Share our key resources in your district.
- E-Board - free trial, 30 days – calendar, iNote, Rich Text editing
- EasyBib - free automatic bibliography composer MLA
- Engrade - Online Teacher Gradebook Suite
- Flash Card Exchange - flash card exchange library – find what’s already been done or create your own flash cards
- FreePlayMusic - copyright free resources for students’ digital stories
- Gliffy - online charts & organizers to share
- Gmaps Pedometer - measure walking distance on the map
- Google Alerts -
- Google Earth - maps - free download - 3D planet interface
- Google Maps -
- Google Mars -
- Google News -
- Google Planimeter - measures area using Google maps
- GovTrack - independently tracking the U. S. Congress
- Graphic Organizer Maker - create customized graphic organizer worksheets
- Grokker - one search, many sources
- Homework Station - assignment calendar
- Hot Potatoes - free software download for educators; create online quizzes & exercises
- Jacuba - free online spellchecker
- Jumpcut - Video Editing - video editing online - SuperBowl 2008 commercial with user-generated videos was run on this site (students should be supervised, not searching for popular content!!)
- Kartoo - search returns visual map
- Keep Toolkit - Knowledge Media Laboratory resources using multimedia representation as teaching tool
- Kozoru - question & answer search system
- Lesson Planner - Discovery School – create & store lesson plans online
- LessonPlanner - NCRTEC online lesson plan template
- Map Builder - tag locations and create your own custom map
- - Travis posted this one to John Larkin's blog at
2008/01/14/web-20-for-the- as John was sharing my Web 2.0 links page. Travis said students can use this site to mix pictures and text to create book reviews! Take a look and see what you think.classroom-teacher/ - Moodle - Moodle – Open Source course management system/online learning community software - download
- Museum Box (NEW 02-09-09) - Add 'artifacts' (video, text, graphics, audio) to create a 'shadow box' for a museum piece to represent a personal history or historical event. Very interesting!
- MyPlicks - create a music video with
- Nicenet - Internet Classroom Assistant – create an online course site - no advertising!
- Noodle Tools - develop search strategies and cite information correctly
- NoteStar - create online research notes & organize
- Nuvvo - on demand learning, create online course (free or $$)
- Online Certificate Maker - Online Certificate Maker – templates for printing games, activities
- Our Story - Collaborative Timeline With Pictures - save stories, photos, and videos on a collaborative timeline, export Widget code
- - upload some pics, add some music, create a quick & easy photovideo online
- Postcard Creator - create an interactive timeline - ReadWriteThink(IRA/NCTE)
- Printing Press - create brochures, newspaper, booklet, flyer with this easy template from ReadWriteThink (IRA/NCTE site)
- ProjectBasedLearning - create rubrics/checklists for PBL projects (from
- QuizStar - online quiz generator
- RubiStar - online rubric generator for PBL
- Rubric Builder - David Warlick's Landmark Project - create effective assessment rubrics and share them over the web
- Rubric Maker - customized assessments for student work - choose and edit a variety of existing performances as well as create performances specific to your class content
- Sketch Swap - online sketch board
- Skrbl - online whiteboard p2p site
- Soapbx - create free public presentations online
- Soople - search engine - easy 'expert' search
- Spellmaster - download/create online flash vocabulary training aids
- Spurl - online social bookmarking service & search engine
- Survey Builder - build online interactive surveys, timelines, polls, etc.
- Talkr - online tool reads blogs aloud, converting them to podcasts
- Teacher Tools Generators - a variety of teacher tool generators from The Canadian Teacher
- Teacher's Report Assistant - free download – write professional assessment reports
- Teachers' Domain - multimedia resources for the classroom
- Termites - Teacher-Created Software to Create Seating Plans That Work from Tiny Rock - check out this interesting new teacher-created software; try a free demo to see how easy it is to create seating charts based on relationships
- The Official Seal Generator - online tool create a personal or class 'official seal' - a variety of shapes and styles - interesting!
- - free online learning community tool hosted by Oracle Education Foundation - many interactive tools
- Timeline Creator - ReadWriteThink Interactive Timeline (IRA/NCTE site)
- ToonDoo - grab photos from Discovery Education Streaming, combine them with graphics, clioparts from ToonDoo, create 3-panel cartoon to tell a story - really creative way to do a lab report? (safe search may work - approach with caution when working with students - preview!)
- TrackStar - online interface that helps teachers organize and annotate Web sites into lessons (hotlist)
- Visual Thesaurus - find & visualize synonyms, 30 day free trial from ThinkMap, then $ subscription
- Vivisimo/ Velocity5 - categorized, clustered search returns
- VoiceThread - allows you to upload images or videos and add comments to them
- WebNotes - online notes to share (Jim Wenzloff’s practice site)
- Whole Wheat Radio - internet webcast originating from Talkeetna, Alaska - non-provit, featuring music of independent artists, tend to appeal to grownups average age 44
- a9 - a9 search engine
- - place to meet people online, randomly (for the risk-taker in life - definitely NOT a place to send your STUDENTS!!!)
- idPad - free download, collaborative authoring tool for kids
- - build curriculum activities online – inquiry-based learning wizards
Some really good blogs to start reading . . .
- 2 Cents Worth - David Warlick -
- Bud Hunt - Bud the Teacher - veteran tech-savvy high school literature teacher
- Bud The Teacher -
- Byrd Links - Harry F. Byrd Middle School - links & resources blog for teachers
- CUOnline - Lynne Wolters -
- Clarence Fisher - Canadian elementary teacher - excellent example of maximizing blog effectiveness
- Darren Kuropatwa - Canadian math teacher - pick one of his many blogs!
- EdTech Insider - eSchool News bloggers -
- Educating Educators - Charlene Chausis -
- Education/Technology - Tim Lauer - principal in the northwest US - driving force behind change in his school!
- Example - Bob Sprankle's Room 208 Podcast -
- Jakes Online -
- Jo McLeay - Australian high school English teacher
- Moving at the Speed of Creativity - Wes Fryer -
- Ms. Frizzle - middle school science teacher
- Remote Access - Clarence Johnson -
- Speaking of History - 8th grade American History teacher uses blog as support for his podcasts
- The Blue Skunk Blog - Doug Johnson -
- The Savvy Technologist - Tim Wilson -
- The Strength of Weak Ties - David Jakes -
- The Thinking Stick - Jeff Utecht -
- Weblogg-ed News - Wil Richardson -
- Who Said? - literature game delivered as a podcast
eLenawee Course Links
- 2nd International Skypecast - (see 'Show Notes for the Podcast' for additional great links)
- About Google News Feeds -
- Bloglines - feed reader – subscribe to your own blog updates
- Cc Publisher – Creative Commons -
- ClustrMaps -
- Copyright 101 for Educators – Fryer (2003) -
- Creative Commons – Learn More Page -
- Customized Google News Feeds (Wes Fryer) -
- Customized Google News Feeds - Wes Fryer's Blog Notes -
- Danielle’s Writing Space - 3rd grade blogger in Seattle
- David Warlick's SEARCH Strategy -
- Digital Literacy Now! - Wes Fryer article -
- Digital Literacy Now! – Wes Fryer -
- Digital Video Links - Greg Marten's iKeep Bookmarks -
- Example - Blog of Proximal Development - Konrad Glagowski, Canada, elementary language arts teacher
- Example - Effortless Language Acquisition - AJ - ESL instructor
- Example - Pine Brook Kinderblog - showcasing student work
- Example - Room 613 Student Blogs - exampler of learner blogs - students team up to comment
- Example - The Best Author Blogs - editors compiled a list of author blogs they believe are outstanding include PJParrish, Dave Barry & Laurel K. Hamilton,
- Example - The Daily Planet (Omaha, Nebraska) - not a traditional blog, but Tony Vincent's 5th graders became reporters online before the popularity of blogging
- Example - The Secret Life of Bees - questions for the author - students interact through blog with author Sue Monk Kidd as they are reading the book
- Example - The Simple Machine Blog - great example of collaboration between higher and lower grades (grade 4 class with grade 10 students)
- Findory - Feed aggregator
- Findory - set up your own news feeds
- Flickr Creative Commons Search (filtered in Lenawee) -
- From the Principal's Office - informational blog
- Furl Guide (PDF) - Jim Wenzloff's 'Why Furl?' -
- Gnosh (beta) Meta-Search Tool -
- Graphs of WikiPedia’s growth (English only) -
- Graphs of WikiPedia’s growth (all languages) -
- How Stuff Works: Wikis - read more about Wikis
- Interactive Periodic Table - see 'Rona's Ultimate Teacher Tools' at for more
- Internet Archive -
- Internet Encyclopedias Go Head to Head - reports on comparison of Wikipedia with Encyclopedia Brittanica
- Lame MP3 Encoder - Download for Audacity -
- List of Peer Reviewed Articles - Comparison of 50 Encyclopedia Brittanica articles with Wikipedia entries for inaccuracies
- Magnatune - Search Magnatune's online library to license pre-cleared original music for broadcast media, audio-visual, and Web productions
- Mapbuilder - interactive site to build custom maps
- Moving at the Speed of Creativity - Wesley Fryer's Blog
- Mozilla Firefox browser -
- MyWeb (Beta) Yahoo -
- NewsIsFree - personal portal -
- October, 2005 Edutopia Responses – Sage Advice -
- Online Certificates -
- Photoshop Tutorials - great tutorials created by Mary Bertram's daughter - Thanks, Mary, for sharing!
- Podcasting 104 – Building Your RSS Feed -
- SEARCH Strategy – David Warlick -
- Safari Browser (Apple) - built-in RSS -
- Single Topic Example in Google: Lemurs - notice the URL
- Sketchswap - online b/w sketch tool for sharing ideas
- Successful and Safe Educational Blogging -
- Sue Summerford's Bloglines Subscriptions -
- Syndication -
- Thinkport - Instructional Computer Simulations -
- Two Word Phrase in Google News: 'Laptop Initiative' - notice output equals rss
- Weblogg-Ed: The Read/Write Classroom – Will Richardson -
- Wes Fryer's Bloglines Subscriptions -
- What Is RSS? (movie clip) -
- Will Richardson's Video About Blogging With Students -
- Yahoo Creative Commons Search -
- - social bookmarking site
- eLenawee Course Pre-Survey -
Web 2.0 tools for multimedia, audo, visual, podcasting
Web 2.0 tools and applications to help with multimedia, audo, visual, and podcasting. For a list of new applications not included in this page, check out my Web 2.0 weblog for audio, general multimedia, podcasting and visual subjects.
Multimedia - Audio
AudioPal - Add voice to websites. Ring up if you're in the states, or if not, type, use your microphone or upload an audio file, You can then download and pop it onto your own site. Looks very simple to use.
Audiolizer - Listen to Streaming Music for Free.. Looks very much like Songza. I was impressed by the range of music available.
Audio Recorder for Free takes any digital audio stream played through your sound card and captures it as a MP3, WMA, or WAV file on the fly.
fliptrack: put your life to music. Makes it easy for you to create music videos by combining your photos with our library of popular music.
Live365 find music radio stations
Music for dozens Upload music you created, make it available to others
SHOUTcast Radio, the home of free Internet Radio. Tune-in to thousands of free online radio stations from DJs and broadcasters around the world.
TokBox is a free service that lets you talk with your friends over live video. Here's how it works: you sign up and they give you a link. When you want to talk with anyone, just give them the link - they click and you chat.
Twango - Media Sharing.makes organizing and sharing your media as easy as capturing it with an easy-to-use site where you can be comfortable inviting your friends and family.
ubroadcast™ is free software that you download to use, and if people want to listen to your broadcast they d/l as well.
Vocaroo Record and send voice emails. Very simple and straightforward. Record what you want to say and send it on, or download it.
3outube - most easy way to download Youtube video. Detailed instructions on the page - just follow them and you're done.
celtx - Scriptwriting Software, Breakdowns, Collaboration.. Create your own movie, and be the next Peter Jackson.
Dailymotion Upload videos, share them.
dazzboard is a free media manager that helps you to manage your photos, music and videos.
DowVid is a powerful video script to search & download videos from YouTube and save as many different video format
eyespot Allows you to shoot, mix and share videos and mixes.
Jumpcut - Make Amazing Movies Online.
KickYouTube is the easiest way of downloading YouTube videos.
Livestation - Interactive live TV on your computer that works! It delivers a range of live radio and television channels to your computer over a broadband network.
Motionbox: Videos. Store and share your videos.
Rocketboom video tools Good listing of resources you can use for video
Scrapblog. You can easily create stunning multimedia scrapbooks featuring your photos, videos, audio and a bunch of creative elements.
Stickam - Broadcast Yourself LIVE on your own website. Upload, share videos blah blah. Does anyone want to watch you? No. Is that going to stop you? No.
TellyPrompter is a television programme guide and reminder service for UK TV channels.
Totlol - Video for Kids. This is a video website designed specifically for children. It is community moderated. It is constantly growing. It is powered by YouTube.
Twango - Media Sharing.makes organizing and sharing your media as easy as capturing it with an easy-to-use site where you can be comfortable inviting your friends and family.
Viddler allows you to upload video. Each video can be up to 500 Mb and tagged. Interesting thing with this one is that you can tag at specific points in the video, not just the whole thing.
Vsocial Upload, share, discuss
Castpost: Broadcast Your Video & Audio Clips. Broadcast personal video/audio clips
Evoca. Create, organize, share and search voice recordings.
Fruitcast - Podcast advertising. Add advertising into your podcast.
Gcast. Your own audio broadcast, where you can easily record voice messages, mix in your favorite music, and share it all for the world to hear.
Inkysoftware Create content and they 'get you the air'
Mogulus Live Broadcast. Create your own television studio, live, scheduled or on-demand.
Odeo: Play, Download, and Create Podcasts. Listen, Sync, create your own
Podcasting Toolbox: 70 Podcasting Tools and Resources. Very useful collection of resources and materials.
PodcastPeople Your online podcasting studio. Assists you in creating podcasts and so on. But it's commercial, starting at $8 per month.
PODZINGER. Search for podcasts, add your own to the listing.
Shockpod - Free and Paid Podcast Hosting. Does exactly what it says on the tin.
Spunkicast - Podcasting Made Simple. Create content and they 'get you the air'
Castpost Share your videos with the world.
Clipshack Like Flickr for videos
Mogulus Live Broadcast. Create your own television studio, live, scheduled or on-demand. It's clearly a popular service, with thousands of channels - over 3,000 people were looking at stuff when I took a look around. Oh, and it's free.
Overstream Welcome. Capture a video. Add subtitles.
TokBox is a free service that lets you talk with your friends over live video.
VideoEgg has collaborated with Six Apart (the Typepad folks) to bring you video blogging. It lets you drag and drop video content into your weblog.
Vimeo Upload, share
Youtube Upload, tag and share your videos worldwide. From the website: "users can run their own free webtv station. They can stream their live broadcasts via the internet for viewers all over the world. They only need a camera and a computer connected to the internet.
See also
50 Best Blogs for Education Leaders
Whether you want to be a teacher, principal or even an educational policy-maker, learning all you can about the field and how to be a more powerful leader while you’re still in college is essential. These blogs will fill you in on the latest news, provide inspiration, and ensure that you are up-to-date with the latest educational technologies so you can be the best education leader you can be.
Education News
Read through these sites for great updates on education.
- Visit this blog to get daily updates about what’s going on in the world of education.
- Educated Nation Higher Education Blog: Get higher education news and ideas through this helpful blog.
- Eduwonk: This blog doesn’t just contain news, but commentary and analysis on it as well.
- Open Education: If open courseware is something you have an interest in, you can keep up with the latest developments here.
- The Gradebook: Find out more about educational problems and successes through this blog.
- Edwise: On this blog you’ll find a good deal of news as well as opinions on this news.
Subject Specific
These blogs focus on subjects like math, writing and language arts.
- The Exponential Curve: This blog presents some great ideas for high school math teachers hoping to assist their below-level students.
- Division by Zero: Here you’ll find a math-focused blog with some ideas on teaching and using academic technology.
- Two Writing Teachers: Get inspired by this blog about two writing teachers who are using their skills to help students in different parts of the US.
- Langwitches Blog: While focused mostly on writing and reading, this blog also offers some great general information for all educators.
- Best Practices for Legal Education: This blog focuses on improving the way lawyers are educated in this country.
Inspiration and Innovation
Get inspired and discover new ideas through the help of these bloggers and teachers.
- Cool Cat Teacher Blog: Use this blog to get a better idea of how to implement and use technology in the classroom.
- The Innovative Educator: This blog is a great place to look for fresh ideas on how to teach students course material.
- The Next Generation of Educational Leadership: Here you can read about and connect with other educational leaders.
- 2 Cents Worth: Check out this blog for some thoughts on the process of learning at large. It could influence how you teach.
- Education Innovation: This blog offers some ways to improve education through creativity and innovation.
- Ozge Karaoglu’s Blog: Full of tech tools that can help in the classroom and ruminations on educational issues, this blog can be a great read for teachers of all kinds.
- Teaching Ideas and Resources: Find some great tips and tools for improving your classroom performance on this blog.
- Teacher Reboot Camp: Visit this site to find ways you can continually challenge and push yourself to be a better teacher and leader.
- Free Resources for Education: See what kind of useful resources are out there for teaching and helping your students learn through this blog.
- Andrew B. Watt’s Blog: On this blog you’ll find a discussion of lots of technological resources that could work well in the classroom.
- Thumann Resources: Blogger Lisa Thumann shares her ideas on how to bring education into the 21st century in this blog.
- Darcy Moore’s Blog: Bookmark this site to get updates on using Web 2.0 in the classroom.
Educational Policy
These blogs take an in-depth and sometimes unforgiving look at current educational policy.
- Thoughts on Education Policy: PhD student Corey Bower shares her insights into educational policy on this blog.
- Education Policy Blog: Learn ways that educational groups can change educational policy here.
- Bridging Difference: With women who are often at odds on educational policy sharing this blog, it’s a great place to go to see both sides of the debate.
- Educational Equity, Politics & Policy in Texas: While this blog may contain information specific to Texas, many of the issues are problems nationwide.
- The Quick and the Ed: A variety of policy analysts work together to write this incredibly informative blog.
- Edpresso: This blog is home to news and commentary on proposed and real educational reforms.
- What’s Working in Schools Blog: Get ideas on reforms that are working in other schools and ways that you can improve your own performance from this blog.
- Brian McCall’s Economics of Education Blog: Check out this blog to learn about the economic issues that sometimes cloud educational policy.
- Teacher Beat: Visit this blog often to keep up with the latest teacher and education related policy changes.
Educational Technology
Visit these great blogs to learn about ways you can integrate technology into your courses.
- Weblogg-ed: On this site you’ll get a number of great ideas on using the web as a learning tool.
- Gate’s Computer Tips: Educational professional Jim Gates offers his tips on making the best use of computers on this blog.
- NCS-Tech: Visit this site for K-8 educational technology resources, commentary and lesson ideas.
- Nik’s Learning Technology Blog: If you teach EFL or ESL, you’ll find some good ideas on using technology to aid your teaching here.
- Edgalaxy: Nerdy teachers of all subjects can find great tech-based solutions to classroom issues on this site.
- Emerging Ed Tech: Read through this blog to see some of the technologies that are or will be aiding the teachers of the future.
- Moving at the Speed of Creativity: Find news on the ways technology is shaping communication and the classroom on this blog.
- Open Culture: This blog will save you the trouble of searching for the best educational and cultural resources on the web as they’ve already compiled and reported on them here.
- Learning with ‘e’s: Here, one teacher shares her thoughts on learning technologies and the digital revolution.
- Box of Tricks: Technology and education is the focus of this image- and video-filled site.
- Dangerously Irrelevant: This blog focuses on technology, leadership and, of course, education in our nation’s schools.
- Digital Education: Check out this site for the latest news on how technology is being used in the K-12 classroom.
E-Learning and Online Education
On these sites you’ll find advice, tips and tools for online learning.
- E-Learning Queen: This blog covers numerous aspects on online learning from distance training to instructional design.
- eLearning Technology: Dr. Tony Karrer is the CEO/CTO of TechEmpower and is considered one of the leading educational technologists, so check out his blog for news and advice.
- The Rapid eLearning Blog: This blog will help you learn to better navigate the world and resources out there for e-learning.
- Jane’s E-Learning Pick of the Day: Jane Hart of the Centre for Learning & Performance Technologies writes about a different e-learning topic each day on this blog.
- openthinking: Find more information on open education on this blog, as well as plentiful commentary and insight.
- 21st Century Teaching and Learning: Here, blogger Michelle Pacansky-Brock shares her thoughts on using technology in higher learning and online colleges.
Web tools Collection of free and ad-free applications the author suggests for teachers and students. What sets this collection apart is the link to a wiki where people can add their own samples of tools in action. Andrew Hill is an e-learning specialist based in England. |
21st Century Skills : Tutorials 21st Century Skills : Tutorials How to set up ... gmail | google docs | google presentations | google spreadsheetes | google forms | google reader | twitter | wikispaces | delicious | diigo | ning | flickr | voicethread | |
Web 2.0 Selection Criteria Web 2.0 Selection Criteria I often post info about tools I find and I think those posts are generally helpful. However, I thought you might like to know how I decide which tools I’m going to use in my classes. |
Web 2.0 Name Generator Web 2.0 Name Generator |
Create a Web 2.0 Logo for yourself Create a Web 2.0 Logo for yourself |
Top 10 Free Web2.0 Tools for Educators Top 10 Free Web2.0 Tools for Educators |
Web 2.0 for College Instructors (online course) Web 2.0 for College Instructors (online course) Especially like the Google Apps section. |
31 Best Web 2.0 Applications For Education 2008 31 Best Web 2.0 Applications For Education 2008 from Larry Ferlazzo |
35 Web 2.0 Tools For Teachers 35 Web 2.0 Tools For Teachers, Tutors and Students .. list from Mashable Here you’ll find resources for learning management systems, social networking communities for students and teachers, tutoring services and more. |
Sites that List and Review Web 2.0 Websites A list of Sites that List and Review Web 2.0 Websites (ummm .. that was a bit longwinded) Some of these sites also have up-2-the-minute news of new web 2.0 websites (and old ones that close down) Recommended |
100 Helpful Web Tools for Every Kind of Learner 100 Helpful Web Tools for Every Kind of Learner Determining how you best learn and using materials that cater to this style can be a great way to make school and the entire process of acquiring new information easier and much more intuitive. Here are some great tools that you can use to cater to your individual learning style, no matter what that is. |
Simple Spark ... Online Catalog of Web 2.0 sites Simple Spark ... Online Catalog of Web 2.0 sites The Simple Spark Catalog is the place to find all of the really cool web applications, or "apps" that will become an integral part of your life online. Not only does the Simple Spark Catalog have a comprehensive listing of really cool apps that gets larger every day, but we also give you the tools to organize and share all these apps with your friends. Our catalog is a marketplace where both established companies and independent developers come to strut their stuff. |
7 Things You Should Know About... 7 Things You Should Know About... The EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative's (ELI's) 7 Things You Should Know About... series provides concise information on emerging learning technologies and related practices. Each brief focuses on a single technology or practice and describes: -What it is -How it works -Where it is going Why it matters to teaching and learning Use ELI's 7 Things You Should Know About... briefs to: -Enhance faculty development activities -Open a dialogue with senior administrators about emerging technologies and their implications for your institution -Stay up-to-date on emerging technologies 7 Things You Should Know About...pieces provide quick, no-jargon overviews of emerging technologies and related practices that have demonstrated or may demonstrate positive learning impacts. Any time you need to explain a new learning technology or practice quickly and clearly, look for a 7 Things You Should Know About... brief from ELI. |
Participatory Media Literacy (wiki) Participatory Media Literacy (wiki) Participatory media include (but aren't limited to) blogs, wikis, RSS, tagging and social bookmarking, music-photo-video sharing, mashups, podcasts, and videoblogs. These distinctly different media share three common, interrelated characteristics ..... |
The World is Flat 3.0 The World is Flat 3.0 Steven R. Lerman, Class of 1922 Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Dean for Graduate Students, introduces Thomas Friedman. Back in 2000, Tom Friedman recounts, the world began to shrink and flatten, under the influence of digital interconnectivity. Elaborating on his World is Flat thesis, Friedman describes how this new global order puts creative, entrepreneurial individuals in the driver’s seat, and poses distinct new challenges and opportunities. |
Tips for New Classroom 2.0 Teachers Tips for New Classroom 2.0 Teachers |
Eleven Essential Web 2.0 Tools for Educators Eleven Essential Web 2.0 Tools for Educators and Your Class |
Web 2.0 Tutorial for Educators Web 2.0 Tutorial for Educators Teachers are using the new Web 2.0 tools to launch their classroom into the 21st century. Students are creating online content, collaborating with other students around the world and showcasing their work to a global audience. Web 2.0 facilitates professional networking. It provides authentic learning experiences for students, and it encourages global awareness, creativity, innovation, critical thinking and collaboration. The knowledge our students will gain from engaging with Web 2.0 technologies will foster the communication and information literacy skills that are required in the 21st century. |
Women of Web 2.0 Women of Web 2.0 WOW2 is for all who are using the tools of the internet whether it be in a classroom setting, leading seminars, authoring books, maintaining blogs or wikis, or just enjoying the tools of the internet in an educational and exciting way. WOW2 is brought to you by Cheryl Oakes, Jennifer Wagner, Sharon Peters, & Vicki Davis, four women who not only love using the tools of the Internet but also love sharing the tools with others. |
New Technologies that are Changing Education New Technologies that are Changing Education ... a Podcast Listen as a panel of ed tech gurus - Conn McQuinn, Tim Lauer, and David Warlick - shares online tools and cutting-edge technologies that have the potential to change the way teachers teach, students learn and schools operate. TechForum | Steven Burt introduces Gwen Solomon, managing editor of, and a panel of educators and technologists at the TechForum held in Seattle, Washington, on November 2, 2006. Panelists include ETC2C regular Tim Lauer along with David Warlick and Conn McQuinn. |
Web 2.0 as a Social Movement Web 2.0 as a Social Movement The current discussions on Web 2.0 development represent a significant development in the continuing interaction of technological developments and communications rights. In this paper the social movement for a right to communicate and the discourse surrounding Web 2.0 development are compared to demonstrate how Web 2.0 is a manifestation of an ongoing interaction between this human rights social movement and communication technology. |
Weaving Web 2.0 into Classroom Practice Weaving Web 2.0 into Classroom Practice I.B. Asia Pacific Teachers Convention March 2007 (pdf of PowerPoint) |
Web 2.0 : Videos and PowerPoints The link above goes to one of the Shambles "Forest of Theme Blogs" pages that provides videos and other multimedia resources to support the topic here. If you would like to see all of the Theme Blogs then go to the full list at or click where you see this button |
Web 2.0 at BBCWorld : Click ... online video Web 2.0 at BBCWorld : Click ... online video September 2006 Dubbed Web 2.0 there's been an explosion in sites that promote freedom to share and use content driven by the user. Microsoft want a piece of the action, launching a user generated video service for MSN called Soapbox. Hardly surprising when sites like YouTube have become such popular web destinations. |
Web 2.0 - by Leo Bridle and Leo Powell UK Web 2.0 - by Leo Bridle and Leo Powell UK .. online video presentation. Really fun video by students .... is this really the future? |
How Web 2.0 is changing medicine How Web 2.0 is changing medicine Medical librarians suggest that rather than intrinsic benefits of the platform itself, it's the spirit of open sharing and collaboration that is paramount.2 The more we use, share, and exchange information on the web in a continual loop of analysis and refinement, the more open and creative the platform becomes; hence, the more useful it is in our work. |
What is Web 2.0 What is Web 2.0 : Online Video Explanation in just 3 minutes web2.0 |
Riding the Waves of Web 2.0 Riding the Waves of Web 2.0 ?eb 2.0?has become a catch-all buzzword that people use to describe a wide range of online activities and applications, some of which the Pew Internet & American Life Project has been tracking for years. As researchers, we instinctively reach for our spreadsheets to see if there is evidence to inform the hype about any online trend. This article provides a short history of the phrase, along with new traffic data from Hitwise to help frame the discussion. |
The Infinite Thinking Machine The Infinite Thinking Machine The Infinite Thinking Machine (ITM) is designed to help teachers and students thrive in the 21st century. Through an active blog, a weekly Internet TV show, and other media resources, the ITM shares a "bazillion practical ideas" for turning the infinite universe of information into knowledge. We showcase examples of innovative instructional methods, talk with leading experts, and share real stories from the classroom to improve how we think, learn, teach, and live. And we try to have a little fun along the way. The ITM is a positive vehicle for K-12 educators to share stories and ideas that tap into the infinite resources available on the Internet. |
Inside the Mind of a Web 2.0 Developer Inside the Mind of a Web 2.0 Developer An interview with Elgg cofounder David Tosh. Among the many emerging Web 2.0 tools is Elgg, an open-source platform that lets users create their own “learning landscape” through personal profiles, e-portfolios, blogs, and other tools. Founded in 2004 by Dave Tosh and Ben Werdmuller, Elgg has been adopted by several universities and a handful of K–12 schools (See “Community 2.0”). School CIO spoke to the Scotland-based Tosh by phone this summer. |
Web 2.0: The 24 Minute Documentary Web 2.0: The 24 Minute Documentary A couple of weeks ago Michael Arrington got together with a number of startup CEOs and executives to video a discussion about Web 2.0. Participating in the discussion were Aaron Cohen (Bolt), Scott Milener and Steven Lurie (Browster), Keith Teare (edgeio), Steven Marder (Eurekster), Joe Kraus (JotSpot), Jeremy Verba (Piczo), Auren Hoffman (Rapleaf), Chris Alden (Rojo), Gautam Godhwani (Simply Hired), Jonathan Abrams (Socializr), David Sifry (Technorati), Matt Sanchez (Video Egg) and Michael Tanne (Wink). The topics discussed included: 1. What is Web 2.0? 2. Are we in a bubble? 3. What are the business models that will work on the web today? 4. What is the role of publishers in a user generated world? 5. How important and how big is the early adopter crowd? |
K-12 Educators Guide To Web 2.0 (teachinghacks) K-12 Educators Guide To Web 2.0 (teachinghacks) |
Web 2.0 Tools for Education (Workshop/Presentation) Web 2.0 Tools for Education : Presentations This will be a lightening fast introduction to a selection of powerful online tools that teachers and students can use in and out of the classroom. I will discuss some powerful uses of one tool in 10 minutes. When the alarm goes off I'll stop and move on to the next tool. When we're all done you'll probably have Whiplash! You'll have the next hour to recover with some self-directed and guided exploration into the tool(s) that most interests you. The audio from this workshop will be recorded and uploaded to this wiki as a series of 10 minute podcasts -- one for each tool we discussed. Look at the bottom of each page for links to the audio. Front Page | Social Bookmarking | RSS | Wikis | Podcasting | The Cool and The Uber Cool | |
E-Learning 2.0 - Why the New Tools Stephen Downes: E-Learning 2.0 - Why the New Tools, PowerPoint slides and MP3 Audio of my online presentation July 2006. My talk, scheduled for one hour, went (with a willing audience) closer to two hours, which was nice, because I was able to develop the topic the way I wanted. After sketching the progression of Web 2.0 tools (from personal publishing to webtops) I outlined (drawing heavily on Konrad Glogowski) how it enables new forms of learning. From this, I outlined some of the theory underlying these new forms, and from this theoretical stance, responded in part to the critics of these new models. |
Web 2.0 at Wikipedia Web 2.0 at Wikipedia ... but have it read to you if too lazy to read ... but the voice may drive you crazy |
Web 2.0 resources at the Internet Archive Web 2.0 resources at the "Internet Archive" Some brilliant resources in all forms including multimedia presentations .. audio and video e.g. Web 2.0 Defined - Sue Summerford Podcast to demo to teachers in workshop how "not" to podcast Podcast52: Stories About Web 2.0 - Wesley A. Fryer Podcast29: Thinking Critically About Web 2.0 Web 2.0 : The internet is getting more inter(active). But at what cost? Introducing Web 2.0 (Part 1 of 3) - Paul Allilson .... and the list goes on ..... |
elearning 2.0 : online video presentation elearning 2.0 : online video presentation |
World Map showing where web 2.0 sites originate World Map showing where web 2.0 sites originate from. |
elearning 2.0 elearning 2.0 e-learning is evolving with the World Wide Web as a whole and it's changing to a degree significant enough to warrant a new name: E-learning 2.0. Excellent article online in eLearn Magazine by By Stephen Downes, National Research Council of Canada |
Power of Web 2.0 (online video 2 mins) Power of Web 2.0 : online video Web 2.0 has made many of us a broadcaster with a global audience. Blogging, Podcasting and Video Sharing has changed our interactions forever. |
Online Video introducing Web 2.0 (5 mins) Online Video introducing Web 2.0 (5 mins) Using the Web 2.0 write up in Wikipedia this video is to help teach educators about Web 2.0 tools. |
2006 E-learning Networks Project 2006 E-learning Networks Project The Web 2.0 Networked Learning Community (tentative title), a project funded by the 2006 E-learning Networks Project, part of the Australian Flexible Learning Framework A Community of Practice (CoP) with the purpose of exploring Web 2.0 technologies in education and related learning theories, such as Connectivism and Networked Learning. The network will be built on the open web using Web 2.0 tools, modelling the process of creating networked learning communities based on personalised learning environments, thereby reflecting the underlying philosophy of learner-centred, self-organising, egalitarian networks. |
My Office 2.0 Setup My Office 2.0 Setup This list very neatly puts together a selections of Web 2.0 websites that would provide all the functionaility you would need for running an office or business (or school?) So that all is needed is a network computer connected to the internet. Click on My Office 2.0 Setup In its original incarnation circa 1996, the concept for a Network Computer (NC) did not really make sense. It offered a fraction of the functionality provided by a regular Personal Computer (PC), at a similar purchase price. But most importantly, nobody really cared. The web was just starting and the promoters of this new platform (Oracle and Sun Microsystems) found it difficult to make a case for it beyond their common distaste for anything Microsoft. |
Blogs, Wikis and Podcasting in Classrooms Blogs, Wikis and Podcasting in Classrooms The following podcast is a recording of a professional development day that I led on Thursday, April 13, 2006. The topic was Blogging, Wikis and Podcasting in the classroom. As Alan November would say, I hope its good enough to criticize. |
Online course for educators on Web 2.0 Online course for educators on Web 2.0 Welcome to a self-directed collaborative online learning experience for K-12 educators. |
K-12 Educators Guide To Web 2.0 K-12 Educators Guide To Web 2.0 The guiding idea behind this wiki is the creation of a learning tool to help educators help their students develop skills to help prepare them for the 21st century. |
An introduction to the NEW worldwide web Coming of Age: An introduction to the NEW worldwide web The main objectives of this free publication are first to inspire teachers to want to try some of these "new tools" (web 2.0) for themselves and with their classes, and then to provide practical advice and guidance on how to do so. free pdf download |
Web 2.0: Innovation for Teaching and Learning? Web 2.0: A New Wave of Innovation for Teaching and Learning? Web 1.0 has demonstrated immense powers for connecting learners, teachers, and materials. How much more broadly will this connective matrix grow under the impact of the openness, ease of entry, and social nature of Web 2.0? | Applications Development | Blog (WebLog) | Folksonomies | Information Architecture | Networking and Emerging Technologies | RSS (Rich Site Summary) | Social Software/Social Computing | Teaching and Learning | Wiki | |
MY RESEARCH AND TOP 10 WEB 2.0 TOOLS IN XXI CENTURY EDUCATION by Duma Cornel Lucian is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at
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