Because GlogsterEDU invited me this year at Intel Teach Essentials in Prague I decided to make a glog where I describe 10 startup tools / appss .
Now I want to invite you to see in my this glog last features and also please read on GlogsterEDU blog last features for the best edtool for Creative Learning who just launch Initiative and next features :
· The Next-Generation Glog with mobile HTML5 - view Glogs on your iPad or any other HTML5-ready device.
· New dashboard design with Glog selection - "Simplicity" has been the motto; designing an interface that is user-friendly for all.
· New options when creating Glogs: 1 blank Glog and 4 basic templates for teachers to choose from - Start with a blank Glog, or choose one of the prepared templates.
· Glogpedia K12 library with Re-Glog templates & new categories - Filter by "Discipline" and "Subject" to get inspired.
· (Premium only) Unlimited access to new Glogpedia Library - 100s of templates and ideas ready for customization.
1. EdFuture.Net Current/Future State of Higher Education .
An Open Online Course.
In countries around the world, the transition to knowledge and service economies occurring rapidly. Competitive countries are no longer only those that have an abundance of natural resources, but also those with a highly educated populace. Higher education is increasingly recognized as a vehicle for economic development .
University leaders are struggling to make sense of how internationalization, the current economic conditions, and new technologies will impact their systems. Educators are uncertain of the impact of open educational resources, alternative accreditation models, de-professionalization of academic positions, and increased grant competitiveness. What is role of the academy in increasing national economic competitiveness while preserving the “vital combat for lucidity” that defines an open democratic society .
This open online course will:
Explore the scope of change pressures that impact higher education systems globally
Detail how technology is impacting educational practices within higher education institutions
Consider how networks and digital technologies are influencing the balance of power in education and the expectations of the autonomous self-regulated learners driving the power-shift
Evaluate the impact of entrepreneurial and commercial activity in all levels of education: curriculum development, teaching, research, and accreditation
Detail how “big data” and analytics are impacting teaching, learning, and organizational decision making
Analyze and explore the new, distributed, leadership models being utilized by senior administrators
Evaluate how faculty and teaching practices are being impacted by new technologies and new teaching practices
Detail the impact of current economic conditions and globalization on the academy
Describe how the most innovative universities from around the world are responding to change pressures
Different weekly topics will appeal to different audiences. Broadly, the course will be of interest to university administrators, faculty members, researchers, business leaders, students, government officials, and NGO’s that are active in higher education
Weekly Topics:
Change pressures: What is influencing higher education? (Oct 8-14)
Net pedagogies: New models of teaching and learning (Oct 15-21)
Entrepreneurship and commercial activity in education (Oct 22-28)
Big data and Analytics (Oct 29-Nov 4)
Leadership in Education (Nov 4-11)
Distributed Research: new models of inquiry (Nov 12- 18)
Weekly Format:
Each week will include readings, videos, and recommended activities. Live weekly presentations (2-3 each week) will be held with guest speakers.
The content will include peer-reviewed articles that articulate the landscape of educational change. Interactive activities will be included each week to give participants an opportunity to evaluate their understanding of the weekly content.
Course participants will also engage in recommended weekly activities (artifact creation and sharing) to contribute to the knowledge base of the weekly topic
Follow on twitter Course Hashtag: #CFHE12
2. Class2Go from Stanford University offering two free courses to the world: Computer Networking with Nick McKeown & Philip Levis and Solar Cells, Fuel Cells, and Batteries with Bruce Clemens.
Here's what you will like about Class2Go:
Videos from Stanford professors with interactive in-video quizzes give you a chance to learn from Stanford professors and then practice what you've learned.
Formative and summative exercises built on the Khan Academy's exercise framework provide new formats for taking your learning to the next level.
Frame extracting allows you to preview and navigate to specific parts of videos. Scroll through extracted frames underneath a video to quickly find what you're looking for.
Love discussion forums? Class2Go added Piazza forums to get people talking.
What do we like about class2go?
It's open. The platform is open source so that anyone who wants to can collaborate with us. Class2Go organizers would love to have others use the platform, or to work together with similar efforts in other places.
It's portable. They believe strongly that valuable course content shouldn't be tied to any one platform. Documents are already portable; the videos are outside our system (on YouTube) and the assets themselves can be repurposed as faculty see fit. And many exercises and problem sets, instead of being trapped in a proprietary database, are in the Khan Academy format, so they can be used elsewhere.
It's interoperable. Many parteners from Khan Academy, Piazza, YouTube, MySQL, Python Django, Amazon AWS, Opscode, and Github.
3. Google Course Builder!
Course Builder is a experimental first step in the world of online education. It packages the software and technology used to build Power Searching with Google online course. Google hope you will use it to create your own online courses, whether they're for 10 students or 100,000 students. You might want to create anything from an entire high school or university offering to a short how-to course on your favorite topic.Course Builder contains software and instructions for presenting your course material, which can include lessons, student activities, and assessments. It also contains instructions for using other Google products to create a course community and to evaluate the effectiveness of your course. To use Course Builder, you should have some technical skills at the level of a web master. In particular, you should have some familiarity with HTML and JavaScript.
Google Course Builder design process has four simple steps, which get iterated multiple times:
Plan before you start.
Before you get into the details of creating your course, take 30 minutes to think about the following areas and write down your answers. Eventually, you'll spend much more than 30 minutes on planning; this initial time is to get you oriented in the right direction on all aspects of your course.
Develop the content without technology.
In the first parts of development you expand on the information you determined during the planning phase. After that, you get down to deciding precisely what you want students to learn and how you’ll get them to do that. You create a detailed set of objectives, ways you'll evaluate whether your students met those objectives, and develop the content for lessons, activities, and so on. When you're finished with this step, you have a "mock up" of your course that you can show to others to validate its appropriateness and to use when you get down to writing software, recording video, setting up email lists, and so on.
Implement the course with technology.
The first iteration of the theoretical development is now done. Now, it’s time to "implement" it. During this phase, you write the text content of your lessons, create videos, and modify the Course Builder software to implement assessments and activities. You also set up your groups, organize online office hours, arrange for teaching assistants, and do all that other fun stuff.
Pilot with your target audience.
We strongly encourage you to pilot your course by having people go through the entire course before you release it to actual students. You may find, as we have, that a large percentage of your work comes after the first pilot, when you see how people actually interact with your material. Be sure to leave enough time to make the necessary changes you discover while piloting.
4. Google Teacher Academy . Don't forget deadline is October 4th
This year I want to apply to be a Google Certified teacher, but for this reason I need money ( someone to offer me a grant ) to pay my travel and my own lodging to attend GTA . If you know someone who can help me to paricipate in USA at GTA contact
The GTA is a FREE professional development experience designed to help primary and secondary educators from around the globe get the most from innovative technologies. Produced by CUE, each Academy is an intensive, two-day event during which participants get hands-on experience with Google's free products and other technologies, learn about innovative instructional strategies, receive resources to share with colleagues, and immerse themselves in a supportive community of educators making impact. Here is how past participants have described the GTA:
“The whole Academy was mind-blowing!”
“I left with a far greater impression of how much more there is to learn and how little I have actually mastered - but at the same time encouraged that with the help of all the amazing talent out there in the Google community that I can make a greater impact as a teacher.”
“I learned about so many Google tools that I had never encountered before (Moderator, Ngram, Apps Script etc.) and developed my understanding of so many tools that I use daily.
"My everyday work was impacted instantly.”
“What an amazing community of new GCTs. It was a pleasure to listen to and share ideas with so many passionate educators”
Alumni: Google Certified Teachers Educators who attend a Google Teacher Academy become Google Certified Teachers (GCTs). GCTs are:
Outstanding educators with a passion for using innovative technologies and approaches to improve teaching and learning.
Creative leaders who understand opportunities and challenges, and have a desire to help empower others in their local community and beyond. Ambassadors for change who model high expectations, life-long learning, collaboration, equity, and innovation.After the GTA, GCTs are expected to:
Develop a "Personal Action Plan" outlining a project they will complete
Lead at least three local professional development activities over the course of 12 months.
Successfully deploy one school on to Google Apps for Education.
Actively participate in the GCT online community.
Share the impact of their work with other Google Certified Teachers through mid-year and end-of-year reflection.In addition to two free days of training, GCTs get:
Access to the GCT Online Community.
Opportunities to give feedback to Google on educational uses of tools.Invitations to join Google at special events.The right to post the GCT web badge on their website or blog.
Approximately 50 innovative educators from around the world are selected to attend each GTA based on the merits of their online application. Applicants include classroom teachers, curriculum specialists, technology specialists, librarians, administrators, professional trainers, and other education professionals who actively serve the world’s primary and secondary teachers and students.Participants are selected based on their professional experience, their passion for teaching and learning, and their successful use of technology in school settings. GTA are particularly interested in educators who actively provide mentoring or training for other teachers.
Participants must provide their own travel, and if necessary, their own lodging. The GTA is designed to create a strong professional community of educators who support each other over the course of a year, so if you are not local, you must be willing to be resourceful with all technologies to facilitate communication and collaboration with your fellow Google Certified Teachers.
Application Requirements
All applications to the Google Teacher Academy must be submitted using online form. GTA only accept applications submitted before the deadline. The application includes short answer questions and a video. The original one minute video must be on one of the following topics: "Motivation and Learning", "Classroom Innovation," or “Positive Change in My Community.” Be as creative as you like, but make sure you follow copyright laws. Once you create the video, you must post it on the Web to YouTube, then paste the specific URL for your video into the appropriate field on the application.They will not accept videos by email, and will not watch more than one minute of video. GTA realize that you may not have produced a video before and that you may not own video equipment, but we are confident you can find a way to meet this requirement. You do not need to be in the video, but please do not submit videos produced for another project or videos created by others. Do not include any copyrighted images, footage, or music.(For more information visit the copyright education site on YouTube.If you have applied to the GTA in the past you can reuse the same video if you wish.
5. Next Edu Guru launch by Youtube and KhanAcademy
YouTube Next EDU Guru is a development program providing training and mentoring to the next generation of educational content creators, from math whizzes to grammar buffs. Selected participants will take part in a special training camp, held in conjunction with the Khan Academy, at YouTube HQ in October 2012.Next EDU Guru is available in the US, UK, Australia, Canada, Ireland, and New Zealand. Read more about the program guidelines.
Lead at least three local professional development activities over the course of 12 months.
Successfully deploy one school on to Google Apps for Education.
Actively participate in the GCT online community.
Share the impact of their work with other Google Certified Teachers through mid-year and end-of-year reflection.In addition to two free days of training, GCTs get:
Access to the GCT Online Community.
Opportunities to give feedback to Google on educational uses of tools.Invitations to join Google at special events.The right to post the GCT web badge on their website or blog.
Approximately 50 innovative educators from around the world are selected to attend each GTA based on the merits of their online application. Applicants include classroom teachers, curriculum specialists, technology specialists, librarians, administrators, professional trainers, and other education professionals who actively serve the world’s primary and secondary teachers and students.Participants are selected based on their professional experience, their passion for teaching and learning, and their successful use of technology in school settings. GTA are particularly interested in educators who actively provide mentoring or training for other teachers.
Participants must provide their own travel, and if necessary, their own lodging. The GTA is designed to create a strong professional community of educators who support each other over the course of a year, so if you are not local, you must be willing to be resourceful with all technologies to facilitate communication and collaboration with your fellow Google Certified Teachers.
Application Requirements
All applications to the Google Teacher Academy must be submitted using online form. GTA only accept applications submitted before the deadline. The application includes short answer questions and a video. The original one minute video must be on one of the following topics: "Motivation and Learning", "Classroom Innovation," or “Positive Change in My Community.” Be as creative as you like, but make sure you follow copyright laws. Once you create the video, you must post it on the Web to YouTube, then paste the specific URL for your video into the appropriate field on the application.They will not accept videos by email, and will not watch more than one minute of video. GTA realize that you may not have produced a video before and that you may not own video equipment, but we are confident you can find a way to meet this requirement. You do not need to be in the video, but please do not submit videos produced for another project or videos created by others. Do not include any copyrighted images, footage, or music.(For more information visit the copyright education site on YouTube.If you have applied to the GTA in the past you can reuse the same video if you wish.
5. Next Edu Guru launch by Youtube and KhanAcademy
YouTube Next EDU Guru is a development program providing training and mentoring to the next generation of educational content creators, from math whizzes to grammar buffs. Selected participants will take part in a special training camp, held in conjunction with the Khan Academy, at YouTube HQ in October 2012.Next EDU Guru is available in the US, UK, Australia, Canada, Ireland, and New Zealand. Read more about the program guidelines.
6. Wiziq Academic : Free WizIQ PRO Membership for K-12 and College Educators
What do you get with your free membership?
Create and deliver courses
Create synchronous and asynchronous courses with tools designed specifically for teachers. Add compelling courseware with videos, PowerPoint presentations, Word documents, and PDFs. Deliver courses in the WizIQ Virtual Classroom and connect in real-time with students from anywhere in the world.
Enjoy all the premium features of WizIQ
Use the WizIQ Virtual Classroom to conduct live online classes, flip your classroom, hold office hours, or meet students online for regular discussions and homework help. Take full advantage of every WizIQ feature, including screen-sharing, polling, video-conferencing, shared whiteboards, and more.
Record and archive all your online classes
Your free account includes 15 GB of storage for class recordings, which means approximately 1500 recorded classes that your students can review at their own pace. We host recordings in the cloud, for free.
7. Lessons worth sharing
TED-Ed Tour
Use engaging videos to create customized lessons.
You can use, tweak, or completely redo any lesson featured on TED-Ed, or create lessons from scratch based on any video from YouTube.
Watch the video to learn how.
View Full Lesson

Lesson Highlights
Lesson Title
Use this title or choose your own.
Press Play
Video can play while working through lesson.
Meet the Creators
View profiles of the experts who made this lesson.
Quick Quiz
Five multiple choice provided. Can choose which to include.
Short answer questions. Select which to include.
Dig Deeper
Resources for discovering more about the topic.
What does “Flip This Lesson” mean?
"Flipping" a video allows you to turn a video into a customized lesson that can be assigned to students or shared more widely. You can add context, questions, and follow-up suggestions to any video on TED-Ed or YouTube. Learn more about flip teaching.
8.Treehouse is the best way to learn how to design and develop for the web and iOS
Features :
Watch videos. Take quizzes.
Over 550 high quality training videos. Test your knowledge through quizzes and code challenges.
Upon completing quizzes and code challenges you will earn badges to prove your achievements and progress through the Treehouse course library.

Unlock your potential
Build the skills to land you your dream job, that promotion or build an app and launch your own startup. Starting September 13, will act as an educational innovation community where university students, academia, primary/K12 educators, mentors, judges and fellow students from around the globe can network, share best practices and inspire each other to create educational change. Plus, DELL offer $30,000 in prizes and awards to help students put their ideas into action!
Any undergrad or graduate student in any field of study, from any country, can enter our challenge.
This isn't your traditional business plan competition—students can enter a project at any stage, whether they've just thought of an idea or are already running an organization. Both nonprofit and for-profit ideas are eligible.
How to Enter
To enter the Dell Education Challenge, student innovators must submit their Project Idea with the minimum required fields, by October 24, 2012.
You will need to register or login and complete you Student Profile to get started.
Semi-Final Round: Virtual Pitch
20 semi-finalists selected by DSIC-certified judges will receive 1:1 mentoring from a DSIC-certified mentor to perfect their pitches
Each semi-finalist team will be required to submit a project roadmap and video pitch.
DSIC will provide detailed instructions to semi-finalists.
Final Round: Global Awards and lIve Pitch
The finalists will be flown to Austin in December 2012 for Dell World, a gathering of more than 4,000 Dell global customers for networking and mentoring. Plus, they'll compete live in front of our judges for these cash awards to advance their educational innovation.
$10,000 Grand Prize
$5,000 Second Prize
$2,500 Third Prize
In addition, they will receive ongoing advisory support from the DSIC Family Office.
Plus: Promising Projects
Dell will select a handful of additional "Promising Projects" and provide cash awards from $500 to $2,000 designed to enable field testing of the most promising ideas within the upcoming 2013 school year.
StudyHall is a peer-to-peer learning platform for classmates to share and connect. StudyHall flips the traditional learning model, putting collaboration and productivity tools in the hands of students. Combining live interactive features with helpful question and answer course pages, StudyHall revives classroom discussion when students are back in the dorm room and in need of help. It's a social academic platform that engages students and enhances the classroom experience.StudyHall is taking the populist approach to online education and creating a tool that is built only for students. In the platform, students will have access to an academically charged environment that only students can access. StudyHall gives college students what they should have had a long time ago: a sophisticated online instrument that enables them to collaborate with trusted peers, without worrying about the noise of other networks, professors and privacy issues.
Welcome in the New Tech Age where Curation is Social Media King tell you Lucian a normal teacher who work a lot to became Social Media Curator ; Now I want to implement Curation Restart Education Project ; and for this reason I invite you to join and collaborate and follow ; like and get free our mLearning app . Kindly I invite to read all my blogs daily and Subscribe free to my research blogs . I write weekly in my 1st research blog about top 10 tools , In my curation Blog I write daily about startup curation tools : I also write in about startup edtools and apps and here I describe mLearning apps
What do you get with your free membership?
Create and deliver courses
Create synchronous and asynchronous courses with tools designed specifically for teachers. Add compelling courseware with videos, PowerPoint presentations, Word documents, and PDFs. Deliver courses in the WizIQ Virtual Classroom and connect in real-time with students from anywhere in the world.
Enjoy all the premium features of WizIQ
Use the WizIQ Virtual Classroom to conduct live online classes, flip your classroom, hold office hours, or meet students online for regular discussions and homework help. Take full advantage of every WizIQ feature, including screen-sharing, polling, video-conferencing, shared whiteboards, and more.
Record and archive all your online classes
Your free account includes 15 GB of storage for class recordings, which means approximately 1500 recorded classes that your students can review at their own pace. We host recordings in the cloud, for free.
7. Lessons worth sharing
TED-Ed Tour
Use engaging videos to create customized lessons.
You can use, tweak, or completely redo any lesson featured on TED-Ed, or create lessons from scratch based on any video from YouTube.
Watch the video to learn how.
View Full Lesson
Lesson Highlights
Lesson Title
Use this title or choose your own.
Press Play
Video can play while working through lesson.
Meet the Creators
View profiles of the experts who made this lesson.
Quick Quiz
Five multiple choice provided. Can choose which to include.
Short answer questions. Select which to include.
Dig Deeper
Resources for discovering more about the topic.
What does “Flip This Lesson” mean?
"Flipping" a video allows you to turn a video into a customized lesson that can be assigned to students or shared more widely. You can add context, questions, and follow-up suggestions to any video on TED-Ed or YouTube. Learn more about flip teaching.
8.Treehouse is the best way to learn how to design and develop for the web and iOS
Features :
Watch videos. Take quizzes.
Over 550 high quality training videos. Test your knowledge through quizzes and code challenges.
Upon completing quizzes and code challenges you will earn badges to prove your achievements and progress through the Treehouse course library.
Unlock your potential
Build the skills to land you your dream job, that promotion or build an app and launch your own startup. Starting September 13, will act as an educational innovation community where university students, academia, primary/K12 educators, mentors, judges and fellow students from around the globe can network, share best practices and inspire each other to create educational change. Plus, DELL offer $30,000 in prizes and awards to help students put their ideas into action!
Any undergrad or graduate student in any field of study, from any country, can enter our challenge.
This isn't your traditional business plan competition—students can enter a project at any stage, whether they've just thought of an idea or are already running an organization. Both nonprofit and for-profit ideas are eligible.
How to Enter
To enter the Dell Education Challenge, student innovators must submit their Project Idea with the minimum required fields, by October 24, 2012.
You will need to register or login and complete you Student Profile to get started.
Semi-Final Round: Virtual Pitch
20 semi-finalists selected by DSIC-certified judges will receive 1:1 mentoring from a DSIC-certified mentor to perfect their pitches
Each semi-finalist team will be required to submit a project roadmap and video pitch.
DSIC will provide detailed instructions to semi-finalists.
Final Round: Global Awards and lIve Pitch
The finalists will be flown to Austin in December 2012 for Dell World, a gathering of more than 4,000 Dell global customers for networking and mentoring. Plus, they'll compete live in front of our judges for these cash awards to advance their educational innovation.
$10,000 Grand Prize
$5,000 Second Prize
$2,500 Third Prize
In addition, they will receive ongoing advisory support from the DSIC Family Office.
Plus: Promising Projects
Dell will select a handful of additional "Promising Projects" and provide cash awards from $500 to $2,000 designed to enable field testing of the most promising ideas within the upcoming 2013 school year.
StudyHall is a peer-to-peer learning platform for classmates to share and connect. StudyHall flips the traditional learning model, putting collaboration and productivity tools in the hands of students. Combining live interactive features with helpful question and answer course pages, StudyHall revives classroom discussion when students are back in the dorm room and in need of help. It's a social academic platform that engages students and enhances the classroom experience.StudyHall is taking the populist approach to online education and creating a tool that is built only for students. In the platform, students will have access to an academically charged environment that only students can access. StudyHall gives college students what they should have had a long time ago: a sophisticated online instrument that enables them to collaborate with trusted peers, without worrying about the noise of other networks, professors and privacy issues.
Welcome in the New Tech Age where Curation is Social Media King tell you Lucian a normal teacher who work a lot to became Social Media Curator ; Now I want to implement Curation Restart Education Project ; and for this reason I invite you to join and collaborate and follow ; like and get free our mLearning app . Kindly I invite to read all my blogs daily and Subscribe free to my research blogs . I write weekly in my 1st research blog about top 10 tools , In my curation Blog I write daily about startup curation tools : I also write in about startup edtools and apps and here I describe mLearning apps