#iste2014 #edchat #ukedchat If you are based in EU,a #startup #edtool or #ipad app join every friday #startupeuchat pic.twitter.com/0qORxJoIxD
— LucianeCurator (@LucianeCurator) June 27, 2014
Between 27 june and 1 july in ATLANTA is organized ISTE’s Annual Conference and Exposition who provides four days of inspiration, learning and networking with more than 700 sessions and interactive learning environments and : -Four full days brimming with robust, inspirational professional learning opportunities that will help you build the skills to support digital age learning
-Unlimited networking opportunities with nearly 18,000 educators, education leaders and corporate representatives from around the globe
-Three powerful keynote addresses from edtech leaders and experts
-The opportunity to choose from hundreds of sessions in a variety of formats, including lectures, BYODs and hands-on learning environments
-Access to a massive expo hall featuring the latest ed tech products and services from more than 500 companies and 4,500 industry
-One-year standard membership to ISTE
If you have ipad, a mobile device you can usee free conference app https://www.isteconference.org/2014/glance/mobile_app.php who is is your ISTE2014 command center, available in the Apple App Store, on Google Play, Windows Phone, Windows 8 and via the mobile web .
Learn all about the #ISTE2014 mobile app and download it today! http://t.co/5CIZippVWr
— ISTE (@isteconnects) June 27, 2014
Also you can follow the conference in real time on twitter using #iste2014 hastag . Here are