The NMC Horizon Report Europe outlines key trends, challenges and technological developments that are likely to have an impact on school education systems. The Horizon Report Europe: 2014 Schools Edition was produced by the European Commission in cooperation with a team led by Inholland University of Applied Sciences (the Netherlands) and the New Media Consortium (NMC), a US-based non-profit group bringing together international experts in educational technology. It builds on the NMC Horizon Report series and methodology, as well as studies by the Commission's Joint Research Centre on the future of learning, such asFutLearn and MATEL. The partnership’s goal for this major multiorganizational collaboration is that the key trends, challenges, and technological developments detailed here directly inform policy, leadership, and practice at all levels impacting European schools.
How were the technologies, trends and challenges in the report selected?
The report covers 18 topics including new technologies like cloud computing, flipped classroom, MOOC, mLearning using ipad and tablets in education, trends such as the growing use of social media, and challenges for schools such as the need to improve digital skills and competences. The themes were selected by the Horizon Project Europe Expert Panel, comprised of 53 specialists in European education, technology and other fields. The experts come from 22 European countries as well as international organisations and networks. I had the pleasure because Larry Johnson invited me to be European expert, the single teacher from Romania who participate in this awesome experience .
The report covers 18 topics including new technologies like cloud computing, flipped classroom, MOOC, mLearning using ipad and tablets in education, trends such as the growing use of social media, and challenges for schools such as the need to improve digital skills and competences. The themes were selected by the Horizon Project Europe Expert Panel, comprised of 53 specialists in European education, technology and other fields. The experts come from 22 European countries as well as international organisations and networks. I had the pleasure because Larry Johnson invited me to be European expert, the single teacher from Romania who participate in this awesome experience .
Download full report from here
What are your favorite topics from Horizon report ? What is Next Big Thing in Education ? Please leave your comments .