Dear friends teachers and researchers members of my #edtech20 PLN I want to announce you that I launch the #edtech20 #curation and #semantic project and in this project I want to collaborate with teachers worldwide to bring toghether semantic web 3.0 in the classrom . If you want to join free this project please repply here , send me a email or fill up this document with your information after I will invite you to collaborate in this blog and #edtech20 PLN and wiki
Today I want to write about gr8 stiky note /websites who can be used free on-line in your projects or in your classroom part 1 .Please add comments , feedback and suggestions .
1. Wallwisher is the first edtool used for stiky note . You can post photos , videos , links and more in a wall .
When was your big bang?
Wallwisher was born out of the offices of SharedCopy in January 2008 (and you thought only living beings conceived). For over a year, the project was in a perpetual zombified state thanks to the academic commitments of the project's sole active janitor (pronounced 'yan - eetor'), Nitesh (@xiphar). In April 2009, the project was brought back from the dead. Where did the idea come from?
Wallwisher's janitor has a post-it overuse problem. He uses post-its as reminders, coasters, bookmarks, wrappers for used gum, to-do list managers, memos. So he decided to have some post-its for the web. SharedCopy, a startup that dealt with adding notes to web pages, therefore, came as a natural choice for the janitor's December internship. It was there that the janitor came up with the idea for using a sticky-note/noticeboard interface for communicating on the web. How is Wallwisher built?
Wallwisher's janitor has a post-it overuse problem. He uses post-its as reminders, coasters, bookmarks, wrappers for used gum, to-do list managers, memos. So he decided to have some post-its for the web. SharedCopy, a startup that dealt with adding notes to web pages, therefore, came as a natural choice for the janitor's December internship. It was there that the janitor came up with the idea for using a sticky-note/noticeboard interface for communicating on the web. How is Wallwisher built?
Wallwisher is coded in PHP which is, as the name suggests, a language full of Pretty Horrible Practices. To find coding nirvana, therefore, Wallwisher uses the CodeIgniter PHP framework which has to be the next messiah many religions are waiting for.
On the front end, the coolness is possible thanks to the jQuery javascript library. Anyone out there who uses any other javascript library is, in the janitor's opinion, a web hater.
Here you can see a wall made by me for Lisa because today was her BIRTHDAY and teachers woldwide wish her HAPPY BIRTHDAY @teachingwthsoul
2.PrimaryWall is a web-based sticky note tool designed for schools that allows pupils and teachers to work together in real-time.
What is Primary Wall useful for?
Getting ideas, collaborating, sharing and quickly posting pieces of information when working in a group or collaborative environment.
Why is PrimaryWall better than any other web based sticky note platform
PrimaryWall was concieved by a teacher and is built for schools so we kept things simple, fast and user friendly.
Getting ideas, collaborating, sharing and quickly posting pieces of information when working in a group or collaborative environment.
Why is PrimaryWall better than any other web based sticky note platform
PrimaryWall was concieved by a teacher and is built for schools so we kept things simple, fast and user friendly.
3.Stixy is your online bulletin board. Create as many Stixyboards as you like, one for each project. Use Stixy to easily organize and share:
- Your family’s schedule
- Projects at work
- An upcoming holiday with your friends
- Your photos from your last bike trip
- Or share a file or two with a friend
Only you set the limitations for how you want to use Stixy.
Be creative! We have no fixed grid that you need to follow. Can you see the widgets in the widget tray below? Just drag a widget out on the board and place it anywhere you want. Resize it, move it around, and select from a number of options to design your reminders, photos, notes, and files.
To share a Stixyboard with friends, family, or your colleagues at work, is as easy as it gets. Sometimes it’s nice or in fact necessary to have an online space for common photos, reminders, files, and so forth. Each Stixyboard has a unique set of members. No one else can see or use your board unless you choose to open your board for public view.
Be creative! We have no fixed grid that you need to follow. Can you see the widgets in the widget tray below? Just drag a widget out on the board and place it anywhere you want. Resize it, move it around, and select from a number of options to design your reminders, photos, notes, and files.
To share a Stixyboard with friends, family, or your colleagues at work, is as easy as it gets. Sometimes it’s nice or in fact necessary to have an online space for common photos, reminders, files, and so forth. Each Stixyboard has a unique set of members. No one else can see or use your board unless you choose to open your board for public view. for presentations, demos, online classes and more.
Ever wanted to show someone your cork board but didn’t want them to edit it? Well now you can. Whether you’re giving a presentation, teaching a remote class, showing off your talent or simply sending others your task list, use the view-only URL to ensure your cork stays yours. Find it in the bottom left corner of your board.
Have a website? Add your cork to it! Like your favorite video sharing site, adding your cork board to your own website is as easy as clicking a few buttons and clicking paste. Find the embed tag right next to the view-only URL. Check out the awesome one we made above.
See changes in real time.
This feature got us really excited. If your coworker adds a new note, you see it. If your boss makes an edit, you get it. If your hubby adds a picture, you see that picture too — no need to be in the same room, no need to continuously refresh the page.
Chat with other viewers.
Sometimes there are things that just don’t fit well on a cork board, and when working with others, conversation can be one of those things. That’s why we implemented a chat feature so you can communicate with others contributing to your board.
Find what you’re looking for.
This feature’s actually been there awhile, but we didn’t give it much press. If you’re working with others and have many notes, finding them can be trouble. Not to worry. Now you can use the built-in mini-map to easily find what you’re looking for.
cork on your own website! to Your Cork BoardDid you know you can post images on your corkboard? This feature has been available since day one, but the truth is most people didn’t. It’s real easy .
5.Edistorm takes the metaphor of sticky notes on a boardroom wall and brings it online allowing anyone - anywhere to brainstorm with only a web browser.
Each user picks their favorite ideas and Edistorm brings the best ones forward.
Features : Always Available

At the end of a traditional brainstorming session, someone takes a picture of the boardroom wall and then either tasks someone to transcribe the chaos or more likely, email the photo out to everyone. Next time you goto revisit the issue, you end up starting from scratch wasting time, money and ideas.
Edistorm allows you to work on your ideas during a structured brainstorming session but the storm is available 24/7 and can be referred to, added to and revised on an ongoing basis.
Idea Database
We have calendars to store events, address books to store contacts, yet we don't have a place to store ideas. We've all stored ideas in emails to ourself, on scraps of paper or notebooks we can never find, or worse yet forgot them.
Edistorm is an always available idea database to store, retrieve, share and get feedback to build on your ideas.
Visual Idea Organization
Edistorm allows you to organize your ideas in a real time interactive wall. Each sticky note can have its own color and the users decide what the arrangement means to them.
This freeform method of collaboration will feel familiar to anyone that has thrown stickies on their walls.
Make Better Decisions
Research has proven that groups of users can make better decisions than a single user.
Because you're not limited by the size of your boardroom or the ability to facilitate brainstorming with a group larger than a dozen, you can collaborate with your entire organization in coming up with better ideas.
Each employee can add ideas, vote on the ones they like and make comments on specific ideas to help refine or improve them.
Freedom to Brainstorm
Edistorm is always free for anyone adding ideas to a brainstorming. Feel free to invite anyone you'd like.
Creating public or solo brainstorms is always free, while creating private invite only storms requires a subscription.
All accounts have a no credit card required 30 day free trial.
Idea Bots
Even if you're brainstorming by yourself, you're never on your own. Edistorm created Idea Bots that brainstorm with you providing you suggested ideas.
Edistorm has a variety of bots including, thesaurus, rhyming, related words and a social media bot. We're open to suggestions for future bots. is a web application that provides you with an online canvas and allows you to post online stickies, pictures, videos, and attachments. You can also share your online canvas with others by sharing its URL. Sharing the URL would allow others to post stickies as well. You can probably see how Lino it could be used to conduct an online gallery walk. To give you an idea of what it could look like, I inserted an screenshot of an online canvas with pictures of four multiplication solutions and stickies with questions and comments posted around them. Now you can collaborate in groups using this interesting edtool .
7. Nota is casual collaboration. Nota is a unique, cutting-edge collaborative web platform that allows users to create, share and collaborate on presentations and virtually any other form of online material. Using Nota’s proprietary toolset, users can instantly integrate text, video, maps, clip art, photos from web album or on the local computer, or license-free images from Flickr, and material from an ever-expanding array of sources. Users can then instantly embed their work in Facebook or blogs, and can share and collaborate with friends.
- It's easy to use, even for someone with no computer experience.
- Fast load times mean near instant co-creation
8.PinDax offers a fun real-time alternative to the traditional online message board.
Features include:
- Post text, images, files and polls in real-time
- No download needed, runs in your browser
- Customizable widgets integrate into your site
- E-mail notification when there are new posts and replies
- Search your posts
- Send posts via e-mail
- Chat with other members viewing your board
- Add categories and feeds
- Approve messages before they are seen
- Keep your board private or share it with the world