For this reason I develop with my students many religious projects and I want to present you a glogsteredu after International Contest ,, Ressurection of Son of God and the Renaissance of whole making " organized in International Project ,, Different, but Equal " and please add your feedback and comments here .
Also we collaborate with Dr Teresa Fernandes from Lisbon, Portugal in eTwinning project ,, Jesus Christ our Passover Lamb was sacrified for us . "
What is Passover What is Easter? For some of our students the season is often above all associated with eating chocolate eggs/ bunnies or sugared almonds . At family gatherings, when relatives or friends refer to the First Passover in Egypt, to The Last Supper, to The Gethsemane Conflicts, or even to Jesus’ Trials, Death, Resurrection or Ascension, these youngsters have sometimes difficulty in following the reasoning .Well known films like The Prince of Egypt or The Passion act sometimes as mediators of meaning, so that young people may fit into the context of such conversations … This central information is clarified by bringing together several episodes in the Old and New Testament: for example Isaac saved from death by the lamb graciously provided by God; the firstborns of the Israelites saved in Egypt by the blood of the perfect lamb put as mark in the doors of their houses to keep death away; Jesus announced by John the Baptist as the unique, perfect, innocent Lamb approved by God; the vicarious Death and Resurrection of Christ to draw every sin and everyman unto Himself; Jesus, the Lamb of God, ascending and glorified in heaven, sitting on the throne as Ruler over rulers. All these point to the central importance of the Lamb both for the Jews ( Passover ) and for the Christians ( Easter ) as substitute and deliverer, both taking the place of people and rescuing them from physical / spiritual death, and conquering eternal life for the redeemed and becoming advocate and judge Himself. How many of our students know that the fact that a Lamb/young sheep is still preferred course in the Easter menu in many European countries had its origin in the first Passover in Egypt, about three thousand years ago? Also the instruction in the Old Testament that the High Priest was allowed to present himself only once in a year before God in the Holy of Holies contrasts with the fact that in the New Testament we read the curtain of the temple was suddenly torn as Jesus died, meaning with that that the communication with God was now open to personal relationship for everyone interested in having it . How many of them know that in the Old Testament the High Priest had to confess his sins and the people’s sins over the scapegoat as prerequisite to enter the Holy of Holies, and only after that could he send the substitution scapegoat to the desert to die in the place of the people - a type of Jesus in the New Testament, who took over Himself all the people’s sins and because of them was severely punished and put to death.